The Time you Share, Sweet like Caramel

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As the Winter holidays neared, the dungeons became chilly. For the past few months, the potions classroom had become your favorite hangout spot. You came in whenever you felt like it, regardless of whether you were there to study or not. Professor Snape would glare at you whenever you you were just there to lounge around, but after a few times he didn't say argue with you about it. The kettle whistled and you pulled out a few teacups from a small bag.

"Would you like a cup of tea, Professor?" You asked as you poured yourself a cup. He didn't say anything as he continued working on cruelly grading some poor kid's papers, simply tapping the corner of his desk to say, 'put it here.' You smiled as you poured him a cup. Spending so much time with him, you'd gradually come to learn how to read some parts of him. 

Hiking the heavy quilt up on your shoulders, you walked over to his desk and put the tea down on an empty space of his desk. He squinted at the small wrapped caramel that you had put beside it. "You looked like you needed something sweet," you said with a grin, "and I can see why." The student's paper was covered in Snape's comments and the whole thing pretty much oozed disappointment. He played with the candy a bit in his hand before continuing on with his work.

Going back to your seat you huddled up in the quilt with a hot cup of tea in your hands. You held a book between your raised knees and continued reading about the use of beetle eyes in various potions. Professor Snape had had you studying potion ingredients in depth and by now you knew many of them like the back of your hand. When he asked you how two of them would react when they came in contact with each other you could usually give him the correct answer. If not, he'd send you to do more research on them.

You became so focused on the subject that whenever you were in the herbology greenhouse, taking care of the plants, you would inspect them and try and figure out when they would reach their peak efficacy. Professor Sprout was very supportive, happy that you showed so much interest in the plants. She even let you enter the greenhouses with the more dangerous plants when one of them was on your list of ingredients to research.

Being so focused on potions and herbology, you slacked off in your other classes. Although you still remembered enough from when you took the classes last year, the homework that you either forgot about or did the bare minimum for really took a toll on your grades. But you didn't care enough to worry; as long as you passed your exams you'd be fine.

You didn't know when, but you had dozed off. When you woke up, you found that the book had been closed and put back on the desk, your tea cup had been refilled with a charm to keep it warm, and another quilt had been pulled out of your bag and placed on your shoulders. Rubbing your eyes, you looked at the clock. It was almost curfew!

"Professor..." you started, but quickly hushed. It seemed that Snape had fallen asleep as well. It wasn't the first time the two of you had dozed off. You tiptoed over to his desk and put one of the quilts on him as you saw his breath materialize in the cold air. Reaching for his teacup, you noticed the unwrapped candy wrapper and smiled to yourself. You threw it away and poured him another cup of tea, leaving it on his desk. 

After cleaning up your stuff and putting it away, you hid the small bag away in the corner of the classroom and crept out the door. You quickly ran to make it back to the dorm before curfew, your ears red as you remembered the peaceful expression on his face when he slept.

A Potion for Two (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now