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The next morning you woke up early and did a run down of your plans for the day. You would go to each professor's class early and ask what you should be doing this year. You didn't want to follow along with the class as, for the most part, you already had a good hold on everything that was taught the previous year. If possible, you wanted to learn at a slightly higher level. Not what you'd be learning next year per se, but perhaps a more in-depth version of the coursework. After all, if you had to suffer through this year, you were going to make sure that you got something out of it. It was better than being bored all the time.

With your goals in mind you got dressed and went down for breakfast. You were a bit early and there weren't too many other students in the hall; most of them were just starting to wake up. Seeing that your first professor was still eating you didn't feel the need to rush and took your time. As you are you took a few glances at Professor Snape, admiring the view without all the heads in the way. Unfortunately, because there weren't many people around you, your actions were a bit obvious and you had to be careful that no one caught on, especially Professor Snape. A few times you had to pretend to be looking out the window or admiring the magical ceiling, your heart beating fast after almost getting caught a few times.

After calming down a bit, you left the Great Hall, looking at your schedule. Then, you rushed to your first class.


With a sigh you collapsed in a tired heap next to your friends on a couch in the common room. You hadn't realized that you were so worried about getting your classes in order. Now that everything was settles you felt a huge weight come off your chest, though you were still a bit apprehensive about being the sore thumb in most of your classes. Your friends quickly stopped their conversation and turned to look at you with a gleam of anticipation in their eyes.

"So..." Elizabeth started, the first to break the silence as usual, "what are your classes going to be like?" You looked at her, watching as she became more interested in your answer with each passing second. Laughing, you explained them all to her. 


Along with the core classes you were also taking Study of Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Beasts as your electives.

For Transfiguration you'd be taking the class as usual. There wasn't really anything that you could be taught on the side, and you didn't have a full grasp on everything yet, it was a difficult subject to master. But that was fine, you found Transfiguration to be one of the more interesting classes. Even if you were learning the same things as last year you could change it up a bit and try things differently.

Defense Against the Dark Arts would also be taken as usual; the information in the class was important to know and you didn't have a complete grasp on everything so you were fine with that.

In charms, if you proved that you could perform the charm being taught that day in class, before the class started, you would either help the other students get it right or Professor Flitwick would give you a new one to learn. If not, you'd learn it along with the class.

Professor Snape would prepare some notes for you to study that went more in depth into the various uses and effects of the potions being made in class. Some days he'd teach you how to make a new potion that wasn't too hard to make if there wasn't much more to learn about the potion, so that he wouldn't have to worry about you creating a mess when he was teaching the rest of the class.

In Herbology, you'd learn how to take care of some more advanced plants in the greenhouse as well as helping Professor Sprout as she taught the lesson.

You decided against asking to learn new things in History of Magic and Astrology. They were boring and the assignments for the class took up a lot of time. You didn't want to add more coursework if you could help it. Maybe you'd even be able to resubmit your work from last year, you thought with glee.

As for your electives, there was no telling if Care of Magical Creatures would be any different from last year and it was quite an easy and interesting class so you decided to take it as is. Study of Ancient Runes would have you working on your own translating more advanced texts. Not fun, but hopefully you could take your time on the assignments and not have to worry about the class too much.


"I still don't understand why you'd do that. Going out of your way to be taught new thing." Simon said, frowning once you had finished telling them your schedule. "You're making more work for yourself. Why not take the year easy?"

"You're just too lazy," George replied, smacking him lightly upside the head, to which Simon responded with a nasty glare, "(y/n) is a busybody. I think we all know that by now. Can't stand being bored, even if it hurts her." The others nodded and you gave a kick towards his shin, which he avoided, laughing.

"You'll still help us when we get stuck on our work right?" Elizabeth asked suddenly, pleading look in her eyes and a slight pout on her lips. "You're the best tutor, I don't know how I could have made it through last year without you!"

"If I have time to read your books and notes from class, maybe;" you said uncertainly, scratching your head, "but if I'm going to be tutoring anyone it'll probably be the 5th years. It's not like I can help you when I haven't learned what you are." You continued talking with them for a while before you all headed off to bed. As you changed into you pajamas and sat on the edge of your bed, you thought about how the year would go. You wouldn't get to see much of your friends, your schedules were too different. Hopefully you wouldn't grow too far apart from them; you could still see them in the common room and at the Great Hall after all.

With your mind filled with uncertainties, you drifted off into a dreamless sleep, huddled under your blankets.

A Potion for Two (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now