Potions Class

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You woke up shivering, with a messy head of hair. Pulling the blankets which you had kicked off in the middle of the night back over you, you tucked your knees in towards your chest and laid there half asleep for a few more minutes. Eventually you managed to drag yourself out of bed, get dressed, and follow the flow of the other sleepy students to the Great Hall. Chatting with your friends, you ate some breakfast before heading out to your first class, History of Magic.

It was horrendously boring. You spent most of the class dozing off, happy that you got to relax in the first class of the day. It would be a lifesaver whenever you woke up feeling like death warmed over. Doodling on a piece of parchment, you only realized that class was over by the scraping of chairs as you classmates packed their things and got up. You jerked your head up, revitalized as you thought about your next class. You hurried over ahead of class time to see what Professor Snape had prepared for your lesson today.

Standing outside the potions classroom, you calmed your excited heart as your mind drifted to the thought of the two of you being alone together. A slap on your cheeks got your head out of the gutter and you knocked on the door. A cool "enter" sounded from the other side.

"Hello, Professor." You said nervously as you stepped in, closing the door gently behind you. He gave you a glance before grabbing a few sheets of parchment, covered in small lines of words packed closely together. It would have been daunting, if you weren't distracted by admiring his penmanship. He held them out towards you as you walked to his desk.

"You will read these notes and make sure you understand them during this class period in preparation for brewing the potion in the next period. If you find that you are unable to understand anything, this is the page for the potion in the first book on that shelf," he said in his usual drawl, pointing to a note on the parchment and then to the shelf. "If you are still unable to understand something then you can ask me after the class ends, though I should hope you'll be able to figure it out yourself."

You nodded your head when he finished, "thank you, Sir," you said as you looked over the notes in your hand. As you turned around to take a seat, you realized a problem. "Sir, where should I sit?" It wouldn't make much sense to sit with the other students; you'd probably end up distracting them since you were doing something different after all. He took a glance around the room before bringing over a small, worn down, wooden table and chair.

"You'll sit here for today. I'll have a table more suited for potion making by the next class. " You nodded and took a seat, spreading the parchment out in front of you. The small, uniform words looked both hastily written and written with ease. They covered the parchment, describing the brewing method for the Essence of Dittany. Small notes were written in the margins where he had added additional information that were left out of the first writing. You turned to look at the second parchment which described the ingredients of the potion, their effects, how they reacted together, and the effects of the resultant potion. The amount of detail was more than you'd get even if you had three different textbooks in front of you. They were probably gathered through his own observations.

Glancing up at the lonely figure writing at his desk preparing the notes for another class, you smiled to yourself. He may seem cold and insensitive, but he put a lot of effort into teaching his students what they needed to know. It was no wonder he became indignant when students slacked off and fooled around after he put in all that effort for them.

As your classmates began filtering into the classroom for the lesson, you started to read the parchments, taking notes of your own. Halfway through the lecture, you got up to grab the book off the shelf, wanting to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the ingredients and give the text a once-over. With your head buried in the book, sketching out the ingredients on your own parchment, you didn't notice Professor Snape give you a glance, the corners of his lips faintly raised.

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