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Sara's POV///
I felt my cheeks get red hot as I smile at him. I didn't know what to say I've never been called beautiful before but I finally get the words to say "My name is Sara Shelly." He chuckles probably because he sees how confused and red I am and says "I hope to see you around beautiful." With that he waved a good bye which I politely returned and disappeared into another asile. I quickly gather everything else on the list that Mike had prepared and rush home. When I finally make it home I put all the groceries away before turning the radio on to 103.3 and swaying along to the music. This is the only time I can be happy and free and myself. I hear the house phone ring and I slide across the hardwood floor to the phone and pick it up.
"Yes hello is this Sara Shelly?"
"Umm yes. Who is this?"
"Oh good. This is Chad. I looked your name up in the phone book and found a Mike Shelly and I figured that you might be there."
"Chad from the store?"
"Yeah. Sorry if this seem stalkerish but I couldn't stop thinking about your beautiful face so I had to find some way to contact you."
"No it's okay but it's probably not a good idea to be talking to me..."
"But why? Are you taken or something?"
"Yes...I do have a boyfriend...."
"Oh I see. I'm sorry for bothering you. But i do hope to see you again. Goodbye beautiful."
Chad's POV///
I hung up the phone sadly but something in her voice said that she didn't want to go. I flip the thought of her through my mind over and over again trying to figure out what to do. I have to see her again.  There was something in her voice when she said she had a boyfriend that made me feel like she didn't want to be there. I just know I have to see her again.
Sara's POV///
I hear the click of the phone being hung up and I latch the phone back on it's hook before I go back to cleaning the house running my hands through my hair. Once I finished cleaning the house I started supper so Mike wouldn't be mad when he got home. I started to make beef stroganoff. While I was making it I kept thinking about today at the store and on the phone. I kept thinking about Chad. I mean Chad was really handsome and so sweet. But Im dating Mike. I can't have Chad. He's too good for me anyways. But i longed to see him again. After the food was done I set it on the table when I heard the door slam open then closed. I hear Mike's heavy footsteps make their way to the kitchen where I was standing. As soon as I saw Mike I was greeted with a backhand to the cheek. Wincing at the stinging pain as tears shot out my eyes Mike says "YOU FILTHILY SLUT MY HOUSE SHOES WERENT AT THE DOOR!" I rub my cheek with the palm of my hand. Shit I forgot to get his bedroom slippers for him. He towers over me and grabs both plates of beef stroganoff and spit "you're not having dinner tonight go to bed you whore I'll be in there later to punish you." I nod and rush to our bed room and lay on the bed filling my pillows with tears. I stayed in there sobbing for an hour before I hear footsteps heading toward the bed room.

Hey y'all! I hope y'all like it so far. Please comment your opinions and recommend me to your friends. I'm gonna try to update at least twice a week so I'll try to keep y'all posted. Love y'all!

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