16) Family First

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3rd Person P.O.V- A lot has changed over the years for the Hotchner, Rossi, Morgan and Prentiss couples. All of them quit working for the BAU around the same time which took a big toll on the FBI, as the team was one of the top Crime Units and their ex-superior had to find replacements on short notice. Now since leaving the Burro the families have grown much closer and spent a lot of time doing more family-oriented activities. David continues his writing and travels more on book tours. Aaron is now a high-school science teacher. Reid is a high-school math teacher. Jennifer teaches pre-school and coach's soccer during the summer. Emily is a middle-school art teacher. Derek works as a mechanic in a local car shop.  Penelope works in a local coffee shop, where all her family members meet up when they aren't working for are on break.
When their busy schedules are clear which is almost always, they can always be found together at one of their homes, or the park.


Emily, Jennifer and Reid- We watch all our little ones playing.

Derek- Garcia and I get everything out for lunch.

Penelope- (Smiles Brightly)

David- I'm sitting on the bench with Adrian on my lap.

Adrian- (Smiles)

Aaron- "You guys won't believe what Jack came home and told us the other day."

Reid- (Chuckles) "Not this again Aaron..."

Emily- What Aaron said had everyone's attention.

Derek- "Well what is up with our favorite little man?"

Aaron- "He has a crush...on a girl, not just any girl though, Vivian May Brooks."

Reid- They all looked confused. "Haley Brooks daughter. She finds it adorable as I find it hilarious." They all burst into laughter.

Aaron- (Mutters) "Not funny!"

David- Everyone is bemused by Aaron's fatherly nature.

(One-Hour Later)

Emily- Lunch is eaten and the kids go running off the extra energy once more.

Jennifer- I sit leaning against my wife. "Can you believe how much has changed? We survived different Hell's, worked our way to being the top FBI Crime Unit then we quit without a second thought for a more mundane life."

David- "It's been a long time coming."

Penelope- "We've seen, even experienced things no one ever should...through all our years working for the BAU the one thing we didn't get to experience was a normal life, which is the one thing we get to experience now."

Aaron- "Full circle..." It finally dawns on me. "We've come a full circle. Started out fighting for something more than mundane living, doing hero's work to the fullest then returning to a more mundane life for love and family."

Adrian- "That was well said, for love and family!" I raise my bottled water in a toast."

Aaron- I raise my bottled water.

Reid, David, Derek, Penelope, Emily and Jennifer- We raise our bottled waters. "For love and family!"

Jack, Nova, Everly, Rylan, Isabella and Havana- We pause long enough to watch our parents, listening to the truth in their words. We all may be young, but we understand what our parents had given up in order to give us the lives we deserve.

3rd Person P.O.V- The four couples who were once married to their jobs and spent the majority of their time hunting down bad-guys...now gather together with their children
cuddling, watching the sun set painting the sky pastel hues. Everything truly has changed for them as they once led very busy fast pace lives and in the blink of an eye, without a regretful second thought traded it all for a more mundane life. Family comes first!

~One new perception
One fresh thought,
One act of surrender
One change of heart,
One leap of faith
Can change your life forever!~

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