5) Undercover Prt. 2

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Los Angeles, California

3rd Person P.O.V- Once the Jet lands, the team hits the ground running. Aaron heads to the station. Emily and JJ head to the first crime scene. Derek and Rossi head to the latest crime scene. Garcia, Reid and Adrian get into a fancy black limo driving off.

Richards Apartment

Penelope- I lead us into the apartment and shut the door locking it. "Alright, you two have the master bedroom down the hall and I have this room here off the dining room. Go get settled in." I disappear into my room.

Reid- I lead the way into our shared bedroom.

Adrian- I follow after my husband, once in the bedroom I kick the door shut and lay on the bed comfortably.

Reid- I watch my younger companion make himself comfortable. (Chuckles) Looking through the closet and dresser, I find all model ready clothes so I place both our go-bags into the closet on the floor. "Looks like we are already unpacked."

Adrian- I glance up from my phone. "Uh, Huh."

Reid- Kicking my shoes off, I crawl on the bed pushing the younger over a bit. "So what's it like being engaged to David Rossi?"

Adrian- (Hums and Smiles) "It is amazing, he is such a passionate man." I get comfortable against my pillow.

Reid- (Chuckles) "Well he is an Italian."

Adrian- (Laughs) "Oh don't I know it."

Reid- I give the smaller male a curious look. "How about Family? I know he treats the Team as his kids."

Adrian- "Family is a very big thing to him and he never had the chance to be there for his daughter Joy. I'm well aware he treats you all like his kids as he speaks so proudly of you all and his work-partner Aaron Hotchner. After we get married, we plan to adopt."

Reid- (Smiles Brightly) "Oh that's wonderful news. Do you argue over baby names and who the Godparents will be?"

Adrian- I shake my head. "No, we plan to adopt two little ones and he let me chose the names; Rylan David and Isabella Ariel. As for Godparents we both agreed on Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia."

Reid- "Oh Morgan and Garcia is going to love hearing that!"

Adrian- (Smiles and Nods)

Reid- "Alright, now we need to talk about our cover because we are supposed to be husbands."

Adrian- I think about that for a few moments. "Hold that thought..." I set my phone on the night table and climb out of bed, going to the closet to get my go-bag.

Reid- I sit up and watch him. "What are you doing?"

Adrian- I rummage through my bag until I pull out a small box, then I toss the bag back into the closet. "Well we are supposed to be married, so you should be sporting a ring too." I sit on the bed and hand him the box.

Reid- I open the black velvet box (Gasps);

"It's perfect!" I take out the band placing it on my ring finger

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"It's perfect!" I take out the band placing it on my ring finger.

Adrian- (Smiles) "It kinda matches mine, but not quiet." I hold up my hand, showing him my engagement ring.

Reid- I immediately grab his hand examining the ring

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Reid- I immediately grab his hand examining the ring. (Gasps) "Damn Rossi must have spent a fortune! Is it engraved with anything on the inside?"

Adrian- (Chuckles and Blushes) "Its uh, engraved with 'My Kitten' in dainty cursive."

Reid- (Laughs) "I'm sorry but that is just too adorable!"

Adrian- (Huffs Indigently) "So I'm told like all the time..."

Reid- (Snickers) The younger males feathers are obviously flustered.

Adrian- (Hums Thoughtfully) "This job definitely got interesting."

Reid- (Rolls Eyes) "Like it wasn't interesting prior?"

Adrian- (Sasses) "Just because ya'll never knew of my existence, didn't mean I never knew who ya'll are!" I pause for dramatic effect. "My future hubby informed me about our family!" I snap my fingers.

Reid- (Laughs) I attempted to keep my composure, but his sassy attitude was just too much and I lost it.

Adrian- I watch my counterpart lose it in a fit of laughter and topple to the floor. (Laughs)

Penelope- I hear a loud thud and rush into the master bedroom. "Are you two alright?"

Adrian- "Good thing we weren't having sex..."

Reid- I don't know how he was able to say that with a straight face, while I'm trying to hide my darkly blushed cheeks.

Penelope- I shake my head and slam the door closed. "Oh My God!" (Laughs) With that being said, I go back to my room and turn on my music.

Adrian- "In all seriousness though...our undercover work is interesting."

Reid- (Smirks) "Yep, I agree." Climbing back unto the bed, I sit beside the smaller male.

Adrian- (Chuckles) Our night is filled with me texting my fiancé, while Reid and I study the case files in order to help the Team the best we can without blowing our cover.

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