2) Family

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FBI HQ/Three Weeks Later

3rd Person P.O.V- The unique family is in the bullpen, gathered at their secret lovers desks having some coffee and chatting before they start their busy day.

Derek- I comfortably sit in my desk chair with Garcia on my lap, my hands gently resting on her waist so she doesn't fall.

Penelope- Sitting on Morgan's lap with my legs on either side of his, I lean on his desk. (Hums Contently)

Derek- (Smirks and Chuckles) I move my hands from her waist and gently rub her lower back.

Jennifer- I sit on the edge of Emily's desk drinking my coffee, slowly swinging my legs back and forth.

Emily- Leaning back in my chair, I drink my coffee...my own legs up on the desk beside JJ, crossed at the ankles.

Reid- I sit crossed-legged on my desk with a book, listening to the others conversation while daydreaming of the promise that was initiated by my older boyfriend.

Jennifer - We hear Hotch whip open his door, so our conversation kinda dies off.

Emily- We watch our team leader storm into Rossi's office, the door slamming shut behind him.

Morgan- "What has his panties in a twist?"

Penelope- (Giggles) "Uh oh, mom and dad are fighting again!"

Reid- We all break out into laughter at her witty remark.

Within The Office

Aaron- I storm into Rossi's office and slam the door shut behind me, startling him. (Glares)

David- I nearly jump out of my skin, when the door is suddenly slammed shut. "Aaron...what is wrong?" I look up at him a bit startled.

Aaron- I lock the door, then lower the blind closing it. (Growls) "Did you know?"

David- I look at him utterly perplexed. "Know what?" I set my book aside. "Hotch, I honestly have know idea what you're on about."

Aaron- I throw the file on his desk. "Your fiancé is now working with us..."

David- I give him a raised eyebrow look. "What?"

Aaron- I point at the file. "Care to explain?!"

David- I look between Aaron and the file. "Well Aaron obviously I am engaged..."

Aaron- (Sighs Heavily) I sit down across from him. "Who is this kid, better yet when did you two get tangled together?"

David- I look down at the file in my hands. "His name is Adrian and we've been together for six years, engaged for three. We met late one night at our usual bar, I was out with all of you after a rather rough case and he was out for the same actually."

Aaron- (Nods) "Just wish you told me sooner, so that I had a bit of a heads up."

David- (Chuckles) I open the file and read it over;


Name; Adrian Dallas Roslin

Age; 36

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