Chapter 1: The Rabbit Hole

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"I wish," Will gasped, "to end Alice's suffering!"

In that moment, the dark cloud sent out another flash of lightning. Cyrus saw the Rabbit-Hole suddenly expand underneath him, and suddenly he was falling... falling... with Alice clasped tightly in his arms.

The swirling blue light gave way to darkness, and Cyrus tumbled down a muddy embankment. Alice tumbled from his grasp, but when he finally stopped moving, he saw her lying only a few feet away. Anastasia lay in a heap just beyond her. Cyrus crawled slowly over to Alice. Wonder of wonders! She was breathing again! He grabbed her hand.

"Alice!" he cried.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. "What happened?" she muttered weakly.

"You were dying," Cyrus muddled the explanation in his relief. "And Will made his wish; he wished to end your suffering, and it saved you."

Alice frowned, "But-that was my third wish. Why aren't you back in your bottle?"

Cyrus looked down at his wrists; the gold cuffs that had marked him as a genie for so long were gone. "Alice, when Will made his wish, it freed me so that we could be together forever!" He almost laughed as he turned to where Will very likely landed, near Anastasia. "Will, you're a genius-"

Will was nowhere to be found. The Rabbit-Hole had taken them to the middle of a large forest, but there were only the three of them. Had he ended up in a different area?

Anastasia had only just regained full consciousness. "Will!" she gasped, jumping to her feet. "Where's Will?"

"Wasn't he with you when he made his wish?" Alice asked.

The former queen, in her agitation, had regained the coarse country accent she had left behind so long ago. "'E w's 'ere, and then the lightnin' stroke, and then 'e w's gone! Where did 'e go? Where's Will?" She marched off into the forest, screaming his name. "Will! WILL!"

"Anastasia!" Cyrus called after her. "He probably landed on the top of the hill we tumbled down. Let's all not lose our heads, and climb up there to look for him."

The top of the bank was crowned with a hard, black substance none of them had ever seen before.

"It makes a path through the trees," Alice muttered, "and it feels like stone... but what are the lines for?" She pointed to the white and yellow marks running parallel along the path."

"I don't care, but I c'n see Will's not 'ere," grumbled Anastasia.

"Look at this!" cried Alice. Standing next to the stone road, on two metal posts was a flat green sign that read "Welcome to Storybrooke" in large white letters. "Storybrooke! The Rabbit dug a hole to Storybrooke!"

"How does that 'elp us?" Anastasia demanded.

"Girls, look out!" Cyrus suddenly pushed Alice and Anastasia across the yellow line dividing the road. They heard a terrible thundering sound, and two bright lights on the front of a large machine headed straight for them.

"What is it?" Alice screamed.

It was shaped almost like a carriage, but it had no horses pulling it, and not even any indication of how it could possibly move of its own volition.

The foremost window slid down, revealing a woman with short, dark hair sitting inside the "horseless carriage."

She eyed the trio. "Hello, I don't think we've met. My name's Regina. Are you lost?"

Anastasia was still scared stiff-this woman looked an awful lot like the Evil Queen who used to rule the land where she grew up. Cyrus was trying to figure out whether they could trust the woman or not; she seemed friendly enough, but his perception as a genie told him this woman had a lot of secrets.

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