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"She was never the kind of girl to show unconditional love. You just had to guess. She wasnt afraid to tell you her limits, even if it meant she couldnt have you anymore. She loved everybody. Even the people she, quote, hated. She was just so perfect I cant even describe. I dont even have the right words to describe the way she was. Mellifluous, magical, amazing, loving, kind. Just, ugh. I dont even remember it's been so long. I still miss her. Nothing can change that fact, but what can is if I could just tell her I loved her one more time. Before she died, she was scared and I could see it. She did it in a way that even you couldnt see but I could. She wasnt gonna let it show, so I refused to say something." Daniel said. Between the countless interviews and fans suicides, he doesn't know how to feel.
"I'm still numb it's not even funny." He scoffed. "Its not fair." He said clutching Christians necklace in his hoodie pocket.

He was on the way to mail it to her when he got stopped. It's been a couple months and they finally said its safe enough for him to use postage and social media as actively now. Every now and then, he posts for the boys and charlie.

Pictures that they loved, pictures that he loves. Beautiful pictures. The pictures that captured the moments he wanted to last longer.

It wasnt a good day either. It was gloomy and really just sad. Hes on antidepressants now, xanax. Things of that matter. If he wasnt, he'd go insane. Well, that's what the doctors thought. He doesn't take them. Hes had the same, full bottle "due for refill" on the counter for over three weeks now.

He huffed as he finished his commute to the postal office, Charlie in his head. Her brown hair that he loved so much. Her eyes, God, cant forget about her smile. That damn smile. The death of him.

He slapped a packet with the necklace in it on the counter and met eyes with a guy. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes. He had a cup of coffee in his left hand and a picture of jonah's favorite baseball player in his right.

"Jonah?" Daniel asked quickly. "What was that? My name is john." He frowned. "I'm sorry." Daniel said. "I heard about what happened to your band. I'm so sorry." John said.

"Dont worry about it." Daniel said. "Aight, whatever you say man. Just to let you know, my household was killed the same way because of me." He said catching Daniel's attention.

"Are you serious? That's horrible." Daniel said. "Yeah, that doesn't matter right now." He said throwing the package to the back. "See you around man." Daniel said before leaving quickly.

Maybe he should've gotten his number to chill or something, but you know Daniel. Fucking stubborn. That's why he didnt listen to Charlie.

As he turned the key to unlock his house, the rain turned from a sprinkle to a rain. He sighed, walking inside. He had to get to his room, which was at the end of the hallway.

He lost count of the amount of candles hes burnt but the smell refuses to leave, so he runs up the stairs. Once he does, time stops.

He sees Charlie at the end of the hallway, the tries to start walking. She looks at him angrily. "Why didnt you save me Daniel?" She snapped. "I couldnt princess. I'm sorry." He sobbed trying to push through the force that's holding him back.

"Daniel I told you not to worry about me." She whimpered. "But you just- you just... Charlie stop!" He said on all fours, trying ever so desperately to get to her as she faded away.

His life flashed before his eyes as he felt the pain in his heart and hand as she was stabbed, falling to the floor. Him and her both. He tried, so hard to get to the end of the hallway. But the force stopped, causing him to fall flat of his face. Then, he looked up. She was gone.

He layed there on the ground sobbing. The girl he loves still just disappeared. Then, a smell. A smell of blood entered his nose and brought back the memories that discolored his skin. The memories of laying in his friends blood, then passing out.

That's all he ever wants these days.

To pass out.

Forever, ending.

A Good Girl, Wrong Timing. {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now