'Wtf is that?😂'

'These little mystery doll things. They come in balls.'
'Get her ONE.'

'Okay😉' I swear if hesget her more than one.

'I hate you🙄'

'I've gotta go babe. Ft me when you can or text, whatever. I miss you already 💔'

'Go have fun in LA. I'll see you in two weeks.'

I walked downstairs and saw my mom and dad cooking breakfast in silence. I sat down on one of the chairs by the bar and went to snapchat.

"Good morning honey. Is your sister awake?" My dad asked as he set the pan of eggs on the counter in front of me.

"I don't know." I shrugged and stood up. "I'll go get her."

I walked back upstairs and went into my sister's room. "Munchkin? Are you up?" She was facing away from me so I walked to her bed and sat next to her.

"Yeah I'm just reading." I smiled and she showed me the book she was reading.

"Wanna come down and eat? Breakfast's done." She smiled and jumped on her bed.

"Can you put me on your back like Ethan does?" I sighed and turned my back towards her.

"Get on." She giggled and crawled on my back, then I stood up and carried her downstairs.

"I'm falling!" She laughed and I quickly ran to the couch, dropping her on her butt.

"Okay let's eat." I put my hand on her back and pushed her gently towards the kitchen.

"So Ally, what do you want me to get you for your birthday?" I asked as I grabbed a plate and scooped eggs on it for her.

"Uhh... I want Ethan to come! He said he'd take me for ice cream next time he came over." She smiled and grabbed two pieces of bacon.

"What, you don't want Grayson to come over?"

"No. He can stay home." I laughed and grabbed a plate for my own food.

"You don't like Grayson?"

"No. He won't be your boyfriend. And I think you're really pretty so he should be." She huffed and then ate more of her food.

"Munchkin... I don't want to be his girlfriend right now. That's why." I smiled at her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Well why not?" She furrowed her eyebrows and I smirked at how invested she is in me having a boyfriend.

"Eat your food."


I walked inside after work, making sure to be extra quiet because it's midnight and I don't want to wake up my family. Especially on a school night.

I walked into my room and immediately took off my shoes and walked towards my dresser, grabbing a T-shirt and shorts to change into.

I walked to the bathroom and got changed, then brushed my teeth and flossed and walked back into my room.

My phone vibrated on my bed and I picked it up, then sat down.

'How was work?'

'The norm. Customers try to tell me how to do my job🙄'

'That's what you get for working retail.'

'Shut up.'
'What'd you do today?'

'We went to Instagram HQs. Don't you watch my stories...😔'

'I just got home, Babe.' Shit he's gonna make it a big deal.



'You're so fucking cute. And I can't even see you for two weeks😔.'

'*12 days'

'Remind me to stay in LA.'

'Eh, fine by me.🤷🏻‍♀️'

'Babeeee. It's 1 in the morning. Go to sleep. Rest your beautiful mind.'

'Only if you go to sleep too.'

'Cant I'm at this killer party.'

'And by killer party you mean you and Ethan are sitting outside listening to music by yourself?'

'No jerk. Bryant and James are here.'

'Okay I'm tired. I'll text you tomorrow. Have fun❤️'

'Get enough sleep tonight, Babe♥️'

'You sleep less than I do🙄'

'Whatever. Go to sleep. Goodnight.'

'Goodnight........ Babe? Yeah Babe😁'

'Stop being so CUTE. You make me feel like like I'm able to be who I'm supposed to be.'

'I don't know what to say.'

'Don't say anything. Just promise me you'll call tomorrow?'

'I promise💙'

'Goodnight, my beautiful future girlfriend❤️'

'Goodnight Gray.'

I locked my phone thinking about Grayson... and only Grayson.

Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now