Chapter 2 - Hunting

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  The girl. He was feeling her again, feeling her light. Even in her distressed state, she was pure light, a balm to his own dark soul. He basked in her presence for a moment before Her emotions came pouring through. He had forgotten how soothing her light was to him.

He got lost in his memories of her for a moment. He thought about the first time he had seen her. It was in a dream. The girl was cold, she was hungry, she was so very sad. She had been left there, she was all alone. She had no one.

For some reason, the force kept showing him this poor little thing and he was feeling all of her emotions as if they were his own. Ad'ika. Little one. She couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old. She had three little buns in her hair. He could see that she was huddled in the sand, somewhere in a desert.

He felt sorry for her. He had known loneliness too, although a different kind, the kind you could feel even when people were around. He knelt down and rubbed her back, petted her hair.

" Sleep now, Ad'ika, everything will be ok."

He felt so peaceful whenever he dreamed of her. He would have to speak to Master Luke when he woke up.

He barely had that thought when he felt Snoke probing into his mind.

"Young Solo, do you know who that girl is?'' He asked. His voice was like a reptile snarling, and it sent a cold chill down his spine.

"Get out of my head!" He had yelled just a little bit too desperately.

"Ok, I'll just go ahead and tell you, I'm sure would want to know how important she will be to you later...he paused dramatically, she is your future queen after all. Yes, she is a child now, but when she is of age, you will take her from where she hides, and she will be yours."

"If you join with me, I will ensure it."

Images of the girl as a beautiful woman standing at his side, flooded his mind. He was older and more powerful and she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.....

"The Jedi will never let you have her. It is forbidden to them. It would be forbidden for you."

"But I can make it happen. You are already force-bonded. I have started the connection for you." He sounded like a snake hissing out the words, then he was gone.

He had taken another look at the girl who was sleeping soundly. She felt peaceful, she was dreaming of him.

   He had awoken immediately. It was still night. He needed to tell Master Luke! But then he thought about it and realized that if he told him about the girl, then he would have to tell him that Snoke was the one to tell him about the force bond and he didn't want to do that.

But he needed to find out more about force - bonding. Was it safe for her? She was so young. He did not want to damage her mind. He decided to stay distant, unless she were in dire need of him, then he would try to connect, but only in dreams. It worked for a while.

Until the day when Skywalker had betrayed him. In fact, it was the girl that saved him. She called out and woke him up, just in time to block his uncle's death blow. He could feel the bond then, but he was in shock, so angry and fearful.

He had blocked her out after that. She was still just a child and she didn't want to risk her experiencing all of that with him. She had her own emotions to contend with. He still wasn't sure if it would harm her mind.

He had called on Snoke and what happened after that was definitely nothing for a child to see, and it was not what he had expected, nor intended.

He had successfully kept her blocked except for when Snoke had been breaking him, teaching him how to use all of that terrible pain as part of his training.

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