Darker Than Love | 16

Start from the beginning

And then almost immediately I recognized that head of blonde locks chopped over her shoulders and that ridiculous black outfit she picked this morning.

I sighed deeply and flickered my eyes back towards the man crouching behind her car, a knife protruding from his boots and a pistol in his hand.

I guess he's running some errands.

I retrieved my switchblade from my pocket and approached him silently.

He was still peering up at the building frantically and didn't have time to notice the body hovering over him. I took this as my chance to kick the knife out of his hand, grab a hold of his shirt and slam him against the car.

He cried out in pain as I pinned his hand against the car then sent the blade flying into his palm.

Blood gushed out from his wound and he screamed loudly as his eyes flickered up towards me.

His eyes widened in fear as he backed away from me in fear and flickered his eyes up towards me frantically. "Y-you."

"M–me, y–yes me."

You just couldn't help yourself, Mason.

"M–Mason." As my name escaped his lips I brought my fist down onto his face and watched as his head lolled backwards and he crashed to the floor.

I grabbed both his arms and dragged his limp body over onto the sidewalk and dumped him there.

With that, I pivoted on my heels and unlocked Michelle's car with the extra key her father gave me to supposedly to "keep her safe". I slipped in just in time when Michelle came strutting out of the store with a paper bag in her hands.

What the hell is she doing here anyway?

She does know this isn't a safe place to be in right?


I'll teach her a lesson that's for sure.

I watched as she slipped into the car and slammed the door shut behind her. I took this as my opportunity to teach her that "lesson" and grabbed my switchblade from my pocket. I swiped the blood against the bottom of my shirt and rose from my laying position before pressing it against her neck.

She froze and I narrowed my head towards her neck before grazing my teeth against her ear lob.

Call me crazy but she needs to learn that coming into places such as here comes with a risk. Thank god I was here fast enough to stop that guy from doing something to her.

"Dollface," I mumbled.

Her body stiffened for a moment before she relaxed against the seat and snapped her head towards me, her eyes narrowed in slits.


Somehow Michelle convinced me to not go home and instead go to a "lake" where she chills out and meditates. I didn't complain because I wouldn't want to go to that house with her so-called parents.

We pulled up on the side of the road and I watched as Michelle unbuckled her seat belt and hop out of the car. She gestured for me to follow and I as well-hopped out of the car, taking in my surroundings warily. "Did you bring me here to murder me for what I did to you?"

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