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Troye: hi

Bix: wow tbh I thought you weren't going to ever text me back

Troye: why

Bix: because of what happened yesterday

Troye: oh

Bix: ya

Troye: well you know I kind of enjoyed it (:

Bix: oh yeah it's that right

Troye: yes daddy

Bix: you can't just say that unless you want this to go somewhere

Troye: well it can go anywhere because i'm going to hangout with my friends

Bix: you have friends?

Troye: oh yeah a bunch

Bix: what's their names

Troye: Adam, Cory , Connor and Ashly

Bix: whos Ashly

Troye: wouldn't you like to know

Bix: well yeah that's why I asked

Troye: it's my girlfriend

Bix: your girlfriend?

Troye: yeah..

Bix: you didn't break up with her yet

Troye: no why would I

Bix: um maybe because you are gay..

Troye: well nobody knows yet jacob I can't just break up with her for no reason

Bix: but you can Troye

Troye: no I can't and you don't tell me what to do

Bix: well i'm sorry troye I just want what's good for you

Troye: HOw do you know what's good for me

(Agahha sorry I had to)

Troye: well i'm going to go now and I will talk to you later goodbye.

Bix: Troyes wait

Bix: troyeee

Bix: babe

Bix: tro

Bix: please

Bix: i'm sorry ))):
Read 3:47pm

Enjoy the vine (;
Ily thanks for all the support

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