Chapter 1: The Lost Hope

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A/n: If you find any spelling or grammar errors, don't be shy to call them out. I would appreciate it if you do.

(Y/n) = Your name

(F/c) = Favorite color

(H/c) = Hair color

(S/c) = Skin color

Erwin P.O.V

I was riding on horseback in a open field towards a hidden warehouse guarded by the military located in Wall Rose that had been built as a workshop for (Y/n) Wurzel. This strange boy that looked like a girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere presenting blueprints for strange devices or that was what Commander Shadis said. At first, I had my doubts about him, but after that day he presented the special target restraining weapon and my doubts quickly washed away. I felt like a child who saw a toy that wanted a toy in a market.

I managed to befriend the boy when I told him I was curious about his inventions. He would talk to me for hours about his "art", but I don't mind too much since I wanted to see what he was like. My opinion on him was that he was a kind, playful, honest, selfless, and simple minded when it came to things other than inventing. He was proven to be a complete imbecile when it came to common sense. I found that out when he return from a trip to a friends house asking everyone how babies were made.

But something was strange about him though. I noticed that he was never allowed to go to the towns or cities in his usual attire, but with a black cloak with a hood to cover him up. I even notice that he is kept under watch by unknown people and when soldiers try to confront them their superior officers tell them that they were permitted to be there. It seems that no one is allowed to know who he is besides the military. It was quite interesting.

?????: "Captain? Captain?" I heard a young girl's voice say from in front of me.

I looked down at the little girl that was thirteen years old. She almost had doll-like in appearance with her light-blue eyes, a fair complexion, and a slender body. She has messy waist-length golden hair in a low ponytail with locks that frame her face. She was wearing a standard scouts uniform that consisted of a short light brown jacket, a white shirt, a dark brown sash around the waist covering the hips, white pants, and dark brown knee-high leather boots.

She was often mistaken as my daughter seeing that we looked similar, act similar, and by the fact we are rarely seen apart. People weren't necessary wrong seeing that I did adopt her. She was found at the front door of the Scouts HQ when she was a infant and she grew up in the military. She became a highly skilled soldier and extremely agile with the maneuver gear. Soon she was assigned to my squad and sent out on her first expedition with the Scouts a year ago. This was a great mistake. 

We encountered an abnormal titan and nearly lost my life, but Violet saved my life by pushing me out of the way of the jaws of the titan. This ended with both her arms being eaten off and once the expedition ended, I adopted her seeing that it was the least I could do for the girl that saved my life. But she was one of the two reasons we were going to meet with (Y/n).

Violet had an emotionless expression on her face as she stared at me and I gave her a small smile.

Me: "Yes Violet?" I asked her.

Violet: "There's black smoke in front of us." she pointed out as I looked up.

I gazed upon a large amount of smoke rising into the sky from a warehouse ahead of us. Once I realized what it most likely was I began to make the horse gallop towards the warehouse quickly, all while holding onto Violet since she couldn't hold onto anything.

The False Hope (Attack on Titan x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant