Jonghyun was in the dressing room when DoMin entered the room . He looked at Jonghyun and said anneyoseong ! U r SHINee Jonghyun right ? Jonghyun nodded. DoMin continued I am VR4U lead vocal Kim DoMin nice to meet u . Jonghypun as soon as heard the name  VR4U said ohhh so u guyz are having collaboration with ice creamy girls right ? DoMin smiled and said yes ! Jonghyun said ohhhh ur band is really nice keep it up boys . So I heard that VR4U are made into couples with Ice creamy girls for the song .DoMin replied yes my partner is Lee HyaRa isn't she great its fun working with her . Jonghyun gave a crooked smile and said ofcrs I know bt there is smthing I want to tell u as I like u and ur band so much that I want to give u some advice.

DoMin happily asked wat advice ? Jonghyun said nothing leave it u wud  probably take me wrong and think that I am bad bt actually I want to tell u the truth .

DoMin curiously asked wat is it ? plz tell I won't take u wrong believe me .

Jonghyun sighed and replied actually Lee HyeRa is not wat she looks like she is really crazy I mean if the things dnt go as she wants she can do anything . She is not a good person. There are a lot of romours about her so I just want to warn u that u shud keep ur distance from her . Dnt be too close or friendly with her . Ur bad luck that ur partner is HyeRa u cnt do anything about it right ? so just keep away from her got it ?

DoMin was speechless . He just kept staring at Jonghyun with his eyes wide open . After Jonghyun was done giving his advice he was walking out when HyeRa came in looked at DoMin and asked Oppa are u alright ? Jonghyun asked wat ? Oppa ? HyeRa why are u getting so close to him ? calling him Oppa ? then he looked at DoMin as if telling him that dnt be close to her as she is wat he has told him .  DoMin looked at HyeRa and before he cud say anything Jonghyun walked out .

Now HyeRa and DoMin was in the dressing room . HyeRa asked wat happened ? DoMin said I didn't know Jonghyun dislikes u so much ? he laughed and continued  U won't believe wat he said to me about u ?

hahahaha I think I will die laughing .

He didn't know we are neighbors and we know each other since childhood right ? otherwise he wud not say that U are a bad person and I shud keep away from u . HyeRa said wat ?? he doesnt dislikes me infact we ...I mean I cnt believe he said that to u bt why ?? why did he said u to be.away from me ?

Taemin msged JaeRim that I am free now so if u are also free let's go out . JaeRim replied ok great let's go ! They went to a park roaming here and there enjoying the fresh air. Taemin was holding JaeRim' s hand. They both were having a really cute romantic time when JaeRim ' s phone rang again and she began to talk on the phone  leaving Taemin alone . When JaeRim was done talking Taemin said JaeRim who is constany calling u again and again ? it was probably the tenth time  that person called .

JaeRim replied its just  my pabo Oppa . Dnt worry nothing serious. She laughed and continued he likes to irritate me . He says I look more pretty when I am angry. Taemin worriedly  asked Did u just said Oppa ? How is he ur Oppa ? Looks like he is really close to u ?  JaeRim replied ummm u can say that we are close bcuz he is really friendly we became frndz recently bt it seems like we are childhood frnds so i call him Oppa . He helped me a lot during practice and dance. He is the lead dancer of VR4U Lee KiHan . Again the phone rang and JaeRim was about to answer bt Taemin snatched her phone and angrily  answered  Can u plz stop disturbing her ? She is with her boyfriend so u just stop calling her arasso ?  JaeRim snatched her phone back from Taemin and said Wats wrong with u ? Why are u being so rude to him ? i told u he is just playing and trying to annoy me . 

Taemin just angrily kicked on a stone and shouted aaahhh !! JaeRim worriedly asked are u alright ? He replied  no i am not at all alright bt  u just play and enjoy with ur Oppa . Taemin angrily walked away leaving JaeRim confused .

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