Chapter 22

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Panic began flowing through my veins at the realization that she wasn't upstairs. I would've heard my bedroom door open if she left the room. I sniffed, trying to pinpoint her location. My sense of smell was picking up another scent in the house beside the witches and my sister. It wasn't Crimson's, but I couldn't decipher who it was. I've smelled it before, but where?

'She's gone. We have to find her.' Leo said, the panic increasing. Where could she have gone? She didn't come downstairs. She had to go through the window, but why would she leave? Did the other scent belong to the person that could've taken her?

'Dammit! I shouldn't have left her alone.' I growled out.

"I guess if I hurt her little boy toy, she'll pop out." Tia brought both of her hands in front of her and my eyes widened as a huge orb formed in her hands. I could feel the heat emitting from it and it licked my skin in a taunt.

"Tia, as your Queen, I command for you to stand down or you will be executed promptly with no funeral or burial. Your remains will be food to the rodents." Geneva threatened. Tia scoffed, the orb only getting closer to my face.

"We'll see about that." She spat.

"How about we take the witchcraft outside?"

Everyone looked towards the door and to my relief, Crimson was there. She stood outside the house, tapping her foot on the wooden porch. Her head was tilted down, preventing anyone from seeing her face. She was still dressed in her old clothes and shoes, which could only mean that she left in a hurry.

"Crimson." I breathed out.

"I mean, you guys are trashing the house. Who is going to clean all of this up when you guys are dead? Hm?"

Tia moved away from me and tried to go towards the door. Geneva quickly moved her hands out in front of her, shouting in a language I'd never heard of. The rogue witch stopped in her tracks, dropping to her knees. The invisible force was gone and I sat up, standing from the couch.

I wiped the blood off my face with the back of my hand.

Tia grunted, trying to move. Her muscles visibly strained in her neck and her eyes seemed to glow a bright white.

"I asked a question." Crimson spat. She moved her head to look up and immediately, a sick feeling crept into my stomach. Geneva seemed to pale at the sight in front of her and she took a step back.

"Crimson," I repeated slowly.

Her eyes never wavered away from Geneva and there was a smirk on her face. Her eyes shined brightly and nothing but yellow could be seen in her orbs. She moved her neck to the side, a crack sounding.

"Be a doll and release Ophena so we can play." She teased. Geneva almost instantly dropped her hand, releasing Ophena from her hold. She coughed, falling to the ground.

"Crimson, calm down," I said louder. Her eyes flickered to me before quickly moving to Geneva.

"Oh, Paxton. I am calm. Very calm." She took a step forward and Geneva took one back. Her follower seemed to not understand what was going on for she tried to move out the door. Crimson's eyes moved to her and she stopped halfway over the threshold.

"Leaving so soon? We haven't been properly introduced yet." Crimson stepped closer to the witch, and she cowered away in fear. A smile lingered on her face and before anyone could stop her, her hand smashed into her body. The hood fell off from the impact and the witch flew back.

She landed in front of Geneva, her brown hair covering her face. Crimson was breathing heavily and her eyes seemed to glow even brighter.

'I need men at my cabin asap. There are three witches present and I would assume two hiding outside the border. Search the surrounding woods for them.' I said in the link.

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