Chapter 8

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I coughed, my eyes opening. The bright light blinded me for a second, but soon I was able to see. I stared at the man that was in front of me and saw he was standing behind a mechanism of some kind.

He was in the room with me but wasn't at the same time. There was a slit in the wall and I could see some of the water that was splashed on me drip down the grey walls.

"Hello, Alpha Thornhill. I'm not sure if we've met." I growled, pulling against the chains. The wolfsbane burned my skin, but I still pulled.

"I am going to kill you!" I shouted, pulling harder.

"You sound just like that wretched creature beside you." My eyebrows creased then I looked to my right. My heart stopped and I could feel complete rage fill me.

"Crimson! What have you done to her?"

Her head hung low and there was blood everywhere. Her arms were chained up as well along with her ankles and the midsection of her body. Bruises covered her arms and her legs. Her jeans were torn as well as her shirt.

"You son of a bitch!" I growled out, looking through the slit. All I could see was a piece of dark clothing and what looked like a cane.

"Actually, my mother wasn't a werewolf like yours. She was human." I growled again, pulling against the chains. They rattled against the wall and I hissed from the burning.

'Stop. You're only making us weaker.' Leo breathed out.

"I have no issue with you, Mr. Thornhill. I simply requested for Crimson, but you know how people are sometimes. Some are hard at following directions." He said. Coughing caught my attention and I looked over at Crimson.

She inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly. Her head lifted and I could see that her left eye was swollen. I whimpered.

I struggled against the chains, ignoring the smell of my burning flesh. Crimson glanced at me and she had a lazy grin on her face.

"Why are you smiling?" I breathed out. She shrugged, her own chains clanking.

"Isn't this nice? Us two, together. No one to interrupt us. It's kind of like a date." She joked. I growled, not liking her sense of humor.

"I hate you."

"Likewise." Her head lifted to look at the man and she scoffed.

"I... I take it you're... Harold Ray?" She breathed out. A satisfied grunt sounded.

"You know your killers. Good job, Crimson." She spat, blood hitting the floor, and pulled at the chains. Harold Ray? Why does his name sound familiar?

"Why are we doing this? We both know that these chains can't hold me." She said, glancing over at me. Her eyes trailed my body, a flash of guilt lighting her orbs.

"Why is he even here? What do you want with him?" She asked, looking back forward.

"What's that saying? He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can't release him just yet, Crimson." He said. A door opened to the room, a masked man entering. Crimson began pulling the chains harder, to the point that it was drawing blood.

"No. Don't you dare!" She shouted. I looked at the man and saw he had only one glove on. It was laced with some type of gold liquid.

"What are you doing? Step away from her! Now!" I yelled. Harold laughed.

"You can't escape your destiny, Crimson. Just accept it." He said. I pulled against the chains, ignoring the sizzle of my skin.

"Crimson!" She shrunk back into the wall and for the first time, she had no power. Confidence was gone and fear was pouring out of her pores. Her limbs were trembling and I could feel my heart break at the sight.

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