Chapter 7

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Though he hesitated to proceed towards her, InuYasha slowly rose from his sitting position on the floor and walked up to stand beside Kagome. Met by a look of confusion from the girl, the hanyou's head quickly turned away before he spoke, "We- We're s'pposed to kiss now, are we...?"

Their faces slowly moved closer to each other, their eyes locking as they stood under the mistletoe, cheeks flushing a bright red hue. Reluctantly, InuYasha moved his hand up to Kagome's cheek and before they knew it, their lips were mere inches apart...


  He sighed deeply as if to mentally prepare himself for this very moment. 
This was something he'd wanted to do for a long time, but he never dared, out of fear of being rejected. Being a half demon, he'd been rejected, despised by humans and demons alike, all his life. And yet, here he was... Alone with Kagome, so close to kissing her. His heart was pounding in his chest and his palms felt sweaty all of a sudden. When in battle, InuYasha was courageous, but when it came to smaller things like romantic gestures, he felt anything but brave. And he knew better than to ask a certain lecherous monk for advice. Moving his hand from resting on Kagome's rosey cheek, he wrapped it around her waist instead, pulling her closer to him, taking the chance to softly press his lips against hers. Smiling, Kagome happily accepted, kissing him back with her arms wrapped around InuYasha's neck.

The two of them were so caught up in their little "moment" that even InuYasha, with his keen senses, jumped at the loud and sudden BANG from downstairs. "What the hell was that?!" a confused InuYasha exclaimed, quickly stepping back from Kagome. "Let's check it out and find out what happened," Kagome suggested. Without a moment's delay, Kagome hastened down the stairs, InuYasha hard on her heels. 

Down in the living room, a figure stumbled around, its eyes having to adjust to the darkness all around to see properly. Looking left and right, its eyes finally landed on the Christmas tree, the candles used to decorate it dimly lit. Footsteps were quickly approaching the living room and muffled, alarming voices were heard, coming closer as well. "Is it a burglar?!" Looking around once more, the figure frantically looked for a place to hide. Whoever that voice belonged to, he didn't sound too pleased. It was almost midnight, and the long crash that had followed when he had entered the Higurashi's house could have woken someone up. But before he got the chance to hide, two other figures had entered the living room. 

"Who the heck are you?!" InuYasha was concerned about the intruder that had dared to show up and interrupt Kagome and him. Clutching the Tetsusaiga at his side, he didn't hesitate to draw his deadly demon sword. "And WHY do you look like me, old man?!" InuYasha demanded, eyeing the strange character suspiciously. When Kagome had finally realized who InuYasha was about to slice in half with Tetsusaiga, she had to yank his arm to prevent it from happening. "Didn't you listen to Souta AT ALL when he described what Santa looked like?!" bellowed Kagome, taking a long and deep breath before resuming, "Just. Like. You...!"

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