Chapter 1

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It was December 17th, and whoever were wandering through the lands of Musashi, would only see that everything was covered in beautiful white and glistening snow. Inside Kaede's hut, back in the village, however, Inuyasha was too impatient waiting for Kagome to return, to mind the amounts of snow outside. Another question kept nagging at him as well. What to get Kagome for Christmas?

Kagome was asking herself the exact same thing. She already knew what Inuyasha liked, but it wouldn't be much of a surprise if she got him what she usually brought from her era. Getting gifts for Miroku, Sango and even Shippo was somehow easier. Obviously, she was in love with Inuyasha, and she had a feeling Inuyasha felt the same way about her. Though, neither of them wanted to admit their feelings for the other.

Kagome wanted to give Inuyasha something he'd really appreciate, but.... Except for ramen and jewel shards, what did Inuyasha like? She hadn't asked him, either. Of course, she remembered giving him a locket once, but this time, she wanted to get him something unique. Because Kagome was living in the modern era, all she had to do, was try to find something that would suit Inuyasha in a shop. But for a half demon in feudal Japan, it was rather difficult to come up with anything that your typical modern girl, would like. He sighed. It wasn't going to be easy, that much he was sure of. And what if that wolf boy, Koga, brought Kagome something way nicer than he could?! The mere thought made him angry. Inuyasha could only hope that if that did in fact happen, that Kagome would love his present for her way more than she'd love Koga's.

"What seems to be the matter, Inuyasha?" Miroku, who had noticed Inuyasha's constant thinking for the last 17 days, had asked him, interrupting his negative train of thought.

"You know there's this holiday almost at the end of this month, don't you? Kagome told us about it."

"Oh, right. So, you were thinking of giving her a gift, weren't you?" the monk grinned at his friend, who blushed in return. "Yeah.... And I want to give her something she'd really appreciate. Something special."

The monk nodded. "Don't worry, Inuyasha. I'll help you, my friend."

"No thanks. I don't need help..." 

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