Circus Girl 🎪Thirteen

Start from the beginning

"You."he spoke which made me stared at him. I practically faked a laugh.

"Huh! I'm not one of those girls you've been hanging around with, so you can leave."I told him. Then he's eyes turned sad upon my words, why? It's true anyway.

"Look, I'm going to explain."he started off which made me raise my hand and stop him.

"You don't need to explain, I'm not your girlfriend or wife."I snap at him. I know it's bad to act all cold towards him but this is all I could think of for him to leave me. I can't act fragile and broken in front of him or he might think wrong about me.

"Joo Hyun."he spoke my new name which surprised me. He slowly walked up to me and held my hands.

No please. Joo Hyun get a hold of yourself! Don't let him get into you again, you know what happened for the past 6 years! You're not the girl for him anymore!

"Please leave."I begged as tears were already running down my eyes. The more I pushed him away made him walk more towards me, why is this guy so hard headed? Ugh!

I can't blame him for hanging out with multiple girls, it's been 6 years. He can't possibly wait or look for someone like me? I'm a nobody and a filthy person.

"I love you."he trailed off which made me burst into tears. Why?!!! Why does he still love me?!!!


"How can you love someone like me?"I blurted out as he just stood there staring at me.

"No matter how much I spent my time with multiple girls, I assure you I'm only thinking of you."He said as I kept on crying.

"You could have just picked someone better than me."I spoke.

"No matter how I try, I always end up longing for you. I love you and only you."now he is holding both my hands.

"Why me?"I managed to ask even though I was struggling because of my tears.

"Because it's you."he said with a smile as he hugged me.

"I'm not suited for you, so leave me please. A lot of things happen and you won't accept if you found out."I spoke as my voice started to break.

"I know and I still choose you."He spoke which made me glance up to meet his longing eyes. What does he mean he knows?

"W..what a..are you s..saying?"I asked stuttering.

"Wendy told us."he said which made my whole world shatter as my knees finally weakened as I slumped unto the tiled floor of the living room.

""I asked barely a whisper as I was confused with all that's happening.

"You don't need to be hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault, you're not a bad person. You're action might not have been the best option but you only did it to save Joy. You're a great person. You know that."he spoke as he slowly scrunched down to my level as I kept on crying and wiping my tears. I must have look ugly by now, my make up must be spilled all over my face.

"No! I don't know that! I'm a filthy person and no man deserves to love a person like me! I'm better off being called as a prostitute!"I snapped as my hands were already shaking.

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