Yes god yes. I just wanna take you into my arms. Smell your hair. Smell you body. And peck those pouty lips. Why am I having this thoughts? Am i drugged again? No but I am clearly remembering everything. Sobtahts not the case. When did I start having these thoughts?

"Off course No. I don't wanna look stupid"

what??? What the hell gone out from my mouth? I am the fu*king dumb-ass ever born.

"Oh" he mutters as he looks at ground. His lips pouting and they form 'S' of Korean letter. So cute. I WANT to taste those.

Hoseok's pov:-

I frown as Yoongi denies for dancing. What was I thinking? Why would he dance with me? But I don't know why did I ask..... the ambience was so good and jin was dancing so it was tempting I guess.

"Excuse me?"

I look up and a beautiful Noona has walked towards us. She is so pretty. She looks first at Yoongi and then at me. I can see Yoongi getting irritated just by her presence. Again I don't understand why.

She gently asks,"Can we dance?"
I was about to answer when Yoongi barges in,"No thanks"

"Actually I was asking him" she says pointing at me and I giggle.
"I know and I am answering for him" he tries to stay calm as if this doesn't bother him. I quickly bow to her saying "sorry" in honorifics, as she huffs and going away.
I want to ask him why he was being so rude to everyone, including that lady who seemed really nice. But before I could ask, another gentleman approaches us.

He bowed in front of us and asks the same thing looking at me.  I want to answer him. The man is really handsome and I really want to dance. I mean whats wrong in it? Everyone else is dancing!

"He has smelly breath. Don't ruin your night" Yoongi says crossing his arms.

WHAT?? What is he saying?? When did he check my breath? I am fine okay?. Why is he saying stuff like that?????????
The man chuckles and excuses himself while throwing disgusting expression at me.

"Yoongi!!" I finally say. I am so embarrassed. He just shrugs casually. But I know he is smiling secretly.

"Why did you say that?"

"You are welcome"


"He was some weirdo.....and i just saved you. You should be thankful"

"What? How do you know that? You always tell me to make friends but now you won't let me"

"I said to make Friends. I didn't say to go dance with them as soon as you meet them. Or throw yourself that them. Or let them touch you"

"What??? I didnt do that. Besides WHY DID YOU SAY I HAVE SMELLY BREATH, THATS SO EMBARRASSING" I am yelling now as he calmly drinks.

"I told you, I was helping you"

"But No. See. I have perfectly pleasant breath" i go near him and try to show him that my breath wasn't smelly. So that he would stop saying that. He gulps and stares at my lips and I suddenly realize how close my face is to his. I quickly pulled it back, biting my own lip in frustration.

"Excuse me, would you wanna dance?" A gentle voice falls on my ears and I see the same boy who was talking to Yoongi few hours ago. The boy who's parents were talking to yoongi's father.

"Umm...well..." I really don't know what to say.

"What are you doing Tan?" Yoongi asks.

"I am asking this handsome boy for a dance" he points at me and I blush. Suddenly I feel bad for cursing  him mentally earlier. He seems really nice.

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