Chapter 1: Deadly Night

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My spiky, blonde, gelled hair stuck up and my blue eyes looked dull from the utter darkness caused by the lack of windows and working lights. As I lay on my hard, uncomfortable bed waiting for the cold night to end, just thinking about the suffering I've already witnessed in a year I heard a banging on the mechanical, locked door. I walked over and unlocked it, to my surprise it was Joey, another member of the crew. He had brown, short hair, brown eyes and a decently muscular body. He is our handy guy and he fixed stuff and helped reinforce most of the walls after the night hunters had attacked our station.

"Tyler, I need your help at wing three now!"

"What is it!" I replied

"Do you always have to ask questions? Come and you'll see!"

"Do you always have to be stubborn?"

I ran after Joey, barely trailing behind him due to his high endurance. We pasted the main sector, turned left and ran down the hall. After that we turned right and I peered at a hole in the wall a couple of metres away, wires dangled out of it and sparks flew onto the ground below. I saw a crowd of people surrounding a body on the ground, time slowed down and my heart beat loud and fast. I ran up, and they moved out of the way. I looked down at the lifeless body, my vision blurring because of the tears that started to fill the eyes. I wiped them away and tried to identify who it was. I finally did, but I wish I hadn't. Sharp pierces of burning pain jabbed my body from head to toe, I fell to my wobbly knees and even though I tried moving my head it wouldn't, as if it wanted me to be looking at my dead brother. His arms laid on the cold ground, and his eyes were wide open. He had cuts and slashes on his body that showed through the holes in his blood stained clothes. Deep gashes covered his stomach that released a puddle of blood. The stench of death drifted into the air, flowing into the horrified faces of the crew. Joey came up and closed my dead brothers eyes, then he crouched down beside me and wrapped a hand around my body. Even if the tears that dripped down my face weren't there, you could still tell I was hurt from the shrieks that came out of my  gaping mouth. Joey helped me up, and put his arm around my waist, he starting pulling me back to my room,

"No! I need to stay with him, let me go!" I screamed

"Tyler, he's dead, he's gone!"

Joey kept trying to get me back to my room I tried pulling back but it was no use. Eventually he got me back to my room and laid me down on my bed. After that he walked out of the room pressed the button next to the door and it closed. Then he left and gave me some peace, I still couldn't bear what had happened, I just laid on my bed thinking of what had happened to him which only intensified the pain that travelled throughout my body.

It was the next day and my stomach still hurt from what had happened the other depressing day. I got changed and walked from my room to wing two, which is where we ate our food. I got a bowl and walked over to David, the chef.

"Hey, can I have some porridge?" I whispered

He used a ladle to pour it into my bowl. It's not the best food but its what we have, I went and sat down next to Joey. The whole area was quiet until Joey spoke to me,

"We fixed the hole and wrapped your brother up, he's outside, we didn't bury him incase you wanted to,"

"Thanks" I said

After that it went back to being that horrible silence, that silence where you know something bad has happened, where no one talks or does anything, some stare but that's it and you can't forget what had happened even if you try.

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