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The rain pounded on the now wet ground outside the building. I lay on my cold bed with only one blanket to try to warm me. This was like most dull days, rain, coldness and silence. Their used to be a lot more of us here, on this god forsaken planet, until the unknown creatures we call the night hunters got to most of them. The reason for their ghastly name is because they come out at night and attack us. We know where the terrible monsters sleep at day, it's a horrific place we call the dead zone, we call it that because Tommy went their to try and find them, and lets just say, sadly, he didn't return. The only thing left of him was the wristband he wore, made by his son. Others also died from the torment this place caused them, they went crazy and begged for us to end their suffering and I was the one who had to do it. I had nightmares about them when I used to fall asleep, now I just lie in my room at night. As if I am paralysed, rigid or frozen, some may even mistake me for being dead. I always think about what it would be like if I hadn't of caught the rocket with my brother to this hell like place, I still remember flying here and looking out of the shuttle window as it slowly descended, and seeing the vast land of trees and forest and then the dead zone which was the complete opposite. It was dry and rocky covered in twining tunnels and caves. But by then it was too late, too late to turn back to be safe. I am Tyler, commander of the space ship S962. We landed here in 2729, shortly after the S961 did. We sent robots in 2622 to build a station for us, not knowing of the tremendous dangers we soon were to find out about. The population used to be 100 and now its only 18, and the only rations we have are running out fast. Soon we will have to start growing our own food. We have been trying to transmit a signal back to the station on Earth so we can communicate. But after the night hunters destroyed the radio station and killed all the astronauts on board the S963, that goal has seemed almost impossible.

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