She sighed and pouted. "Stop." I said. Her and Blue acted just alike. Dramatic.

"I said I wouldn't cry, but I can't help it."

Karim came downstairs with a suitcase and put it by the door.

"She crying again?" He asked looking at her bury her face in my chest.

"Yeah, why are women so-"

Beyoncé glared at me.

"Majestic." I said finishing my sentence.

"That's not what you were going to say. Move, so I can put this food away."

I moved and Karim came to help her.

Everybody piled in my car and I drove us to the airport.

I got out to help Karim Get his bag from the trunk and everybody else got out too.

"Keem leaving?" Blue asked.

"Yes, but I'll be back to see you. Okay?" He said picking her up.

"Noo, I don't want you to leave." She whined.

"Oh lord." I mumbled because I knew it was about to start.

Once Blue started crying Beyoncé followed right behind her.

They all hugged and I could see Karim getting emotional too.

"Ma, can you please stop crying before you make me cry?"

"I'm sorry. I've never been through this before. You are getting so old. I wish you could stay my little baby forever. I can't believe my first born is going off to college... I'm so old!"

He hugged her and looked at me for help.

"Come on, Bey." I said trying to grab her. "He's going to miss his flight."

She sighed and let him go. "I love you, Karim. Call me when you land."

"I love you too mom, I will. And I love you too Blue." He put her down and I went to give him a handshake. "Take care of them for me."

"Of course."

I picked Blue up and draped my arm over Bey's shoulder as we watched him walk away.

"Can y'all seriously stop crying?" I asked them as we got in the car. "Do y'all want something to eat?"

They both shook their heads no.

I started to feel bad. I drove back to Bey's house and When we pulled up Bey wasted no time getting out and getting Blue.

They headed upstairs and I went to get something to eat because I was hungry. I made some chicken patties and fries.

I sat the table and scrolled on my phone while I ate.

When I was finished I headed up stairs. "You know she's feeding off of your energy." I told Beyoncé as her and Blue cuddled.

"Can you put her in her room please?"

I nodded and took Blue. She was sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake her up.

After I laid her down, I went back to bey's room. "I'm about to leave."

"Why?" She frowned.

"What you mean why?"

"It's Sunday, what do you have to do?"

I just blinked.


"I just figured-"

"Never mind. Bye, Shawn."

"Why you gotta be like that?"

"I'm not being like anything. If you're leaving then I'm taking a nap."

"Come here."

"No. You come here."

I smirked and went over to her and hovered over her before placing kisses all over her.

"Stop." She laughed.

"No. I'm tired of seeing mope around. You been moping for the past week. Children grow up, it's life. it's no use in being sad about it."

"I can't help it."

"Yes, you can. Stop thinking about it so much. He's a big boy and he's going to be fine. It's not like you're going to be lonely, you Have me and Blue here to get on your nerves. Because I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled.

"There we go. Smile."

I took my outside clothes of and cuddled with her for a little while before she spoke. "Jay?"


"What you mean when you said you weren't going anywhere?"

"I meant just that. I'm stamped for life. I'm in love with you and I want to be with you... forever."

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