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I sat in the cafeteria with Solange eating a salad.

"So you got any new dick lately?"

I nearly choked. "Lower your voice." I said feeling embarrassed.

"Girl. Yes or no."


"You need to. You haven't got laid in 14 years."

I laughed at this. "That's a lie. It's been a while, but damn. Not no fourteen years."

"Well my man has this guy friend..."

"Not interested." I said immediately.

"You must've found someone. You not just gon turn someone else down without seeing him at least."

"Have you talked to your mother?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah I talked to her last night. Anyway, So this guy... tell me about him."

"I met him at a football game. It's nothing too serious, Okay?"

"Okay." She dropped it. "When are we going to visit mom?"

"Um... thanksgiving."

"Really? We only visit on the holidays?"

"You're grown, you can visit her whenever you'd like." I simply.

"Okay, smart ass."

I laughed at her.

"I hate you." She said rolling her eyes.

"Hold on its Karim's school." She nodded and I answered. "Hello?"

"Mom, you have to come get me."

I frowned. "What? Why?"

"I got into a fight. I'm in the office."

I rolled my eyes. "You know I don't get off until 6."

"I'm sorry."

I hung up on him and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Solange asked.

"I have to go pick Karim up. He said he got into a fight."

"Oh my lord."

"Right. Can you cover for me please? I don't have anyone else to pick him up."

"Of course, sis. Go ahead."

I quickly grabbed my purse from the lounge and rushed out of the building.

I hopped in the car and drove to his school.

I knew I had to go in so I found a parking space.

"Ms. Knowles." The principal greeted as soon as I walked in.

Everyone knew who I was because everyone knew who Karim was.

"Hi," I said politely.

"Karim is right in here."

I looked at him and flared my nostrils. "Let's go." He got up and followed me out.

"Have a good day." The principal said before we left.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as soon as we got in the car. "We don't fight."

I snatched the paper from his hand and read it. We had to go to a damn meeting with the other kid and his parent next week.

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