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"January 7th."

"Favorite food?"

"Chicken nuggets."


"Ehhh Rarely."

"What kind?"

"White grape mixed with a little bit of water because it's too sweet."

"Favorite tv show?"

"Paw patrol."


"Yup. I blame Karim."

"Favorite movie?"

"Boyz in the hood."

"You cannot be serious."

Bey shrugged. "She likes to watch what Karim watches."

We were sitting in her living room while Blue played with her toys. I was trying to learn as much as I could about her as soon as possible.

It got quiet as we both watched her play chef by herself.

"She's going to be left handed like me." I said as a matter of fact.

Beyoncé glanced at me. "No, she's not."

"You can't tell?"

I was surprised that I had actually noticed something like that before her.

"No." She frowned.

"Look at how she is holding that spatula in her left hand." I pointed out.

"But when she draws she uses both hands."

"I write with my right hand, but I do everything else with my left. She's going to be left handed, bookmark me."


"It's nothing wrong with lefty's."

"Ma, I'm heading out." Karim said coming into the living room.

"Keem!" Blue yelled earning a smile from me.

"Hi there, Blue Blue!" He cooed and picked her up.

"Where going?" She frowned and held her hand out, waiting on his answer.

"I'm going to hang out with my friends. Where you going?" He retorted.

"Um, living room with mommy and daddy. I made burgers." She said holding them up to Karim's face.

"Looks yummy. You have fun, Okay? I'll see you later."

"Okay, wuv you. Be safe."

"I wuv you too." He mocked and kissed her cheek before placing her back on the floor. "See y'all later. Love you mom."

"Love you too, baby. Be safe!"

"I heard Blue when she said it!" He yelled on his way out of the door.

"Wow... what is he 18 now?" I asked.

"Mhm. Too damn grown. I miss when he was a baby."

"I bet."

"Yup, he was so innocent."

I smiled a little. "Back to business. Is Blue allergic to anything?"


"Oh lord." I said shaking my head. Allergies are the worst

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