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"Karim, if you don't hurry the hell up, you'll be walking yo ass to school."

"I'm coming!" He yelled down the steps.

"I'm getting in the car you got 2 minutes!"

I started the car and found a song I wanted to listen to while I waited for him.

Soon, he came out and hopped in.

"Can we go to McDonald's?"

"Hell no. You can eat breakfast at school."

"That's borderline child abuse." He sighed.

"You're borderline plucking my nerves. Get up earlier so you can eat at home."

He stayed quiet until I dropped him off. "Have a great day. Here." I said handing him a 5. "Don't spend it all in one place."

He chuckled. "Thanks, mom. Be safe."

He shut the door and went inside and I made my way to work.

Listening to music gets you where you need to go faster. In no time, I pulled up. I parked and went inside.

"Beyoncé!" Solange yelled.

"Hi, lovely." I smiled.

"What's new?"

"Girl, nothing. Karim just driving me crazy."

"Chill on my nephew."

I shook my head. "You want him?"

"I sure do."

I laughed before putting my purse in my locker. Solange and I were lucky enough to work together. We were both RNs at a children's hospital. I love my job.

• •

After work, I was dead tired. I still had to pick Karim up after practice though. I stopped at 7/11 and got a slushee, gummy bears, and some Doritos. Fuck it, it's going to be cheat day today.

I headed over to his school, it was going on 6:30 and he gets out of practice at 7. I guess I could wait 30 minutes.

As soon as I opened my gummy bears, someone was calling.

I grabbed my phone and tried not to smile. "Hey," I answered.

"What's up, B." Jay smiled in the camera.

"Nothing much. Just waiting for my son to get out of practice. You?"

"Just looking at this beautiful woman."

I blushed and put the camera on my forehead.

"Nuh uh. Let me see your face." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and set the phone up on the steering wheel while I continued to eat my gummy bears.

"When can I see you again?" He asked.

"You seeing me now."

"Ha ha. Very funny. I mean in person."

"I know." I laughed. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing. You going to let me come through?"

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