Part 28: Discovery

Start from the beginning

Kylo rolls his eyes but he also begins to laugh.

"How am I supposed to get over that!" Kylo says, his words punctuated with chuckling.

You turn away from him giggling and search around the room for his shirt. Eventually finding it under a bed.

You throw it to Kylo who has finally stopped laughing.

"I can never live that down." He mumbles, pulling the shirt over his head and reaching out to you, pulling you into him by his waist.

"I'm sorry," You apologise, but still smile. "But just remember Finn's face!"

Kylo rolls his eyes and bends down to kiss you.

"I will only forgive you because I love you." He mutters and draws away, holding his hand out to you and walking from the room.

When you reach the front of the ship you are greeted by Poe, Finn, Tyler and BB-8.

BB-8 is displaying what seems to be a map, at which Tyler was staring intently until he noticed you and Kylo walk in.

"Oh, so you found it?" Tyler questions, straightening up, his face innocent.

You stick out your tongue at him and he laughs, turning and walking into the cockpit.

"That's my stop too." Kylo smiles at you and drops your hand.

You go over and settle next to Poe, who turns his head at the sound and grins.

"So, lost your saber?" He nudges you, but misjudges the depth and ends up nudging you rather hard.

"Ow." You reply and nudge him back. "No comment."

Poe narrows his unseeing eyes.

"Fine, if that's how it's gonna be." He sniffs and turns his head. "Lucky though, Leia was about to come wondering why we hadn't left yet..."

He turns his head again slowly and grins. "If only I wasn't blind, your expression is I'm sure priceless."

"Shut up, I can't hurt an invalid." You threaten, but make sure he can hear the joke in your voice.

Poe sighs.

"Y/N, tell me what it's like in here." He asks, gently grabbing your hand and squeezing all the sympathy and dramatic pity he can get from his expression.

You sigh and look around. The common area was, no surprise, grey. It held benches lining the walls, on which you and Poe sat, and windows behind them. Outside the windows, you could see the hangar start to slowly move past.

You relay the information to Poe who frowns, his forehead wrinkling.

"Y/N, not the furniture. What are the controls? The features?" He questions, his expression exasperated.

You turn your whole body to him, certain to make as much noise as possible.

"Poe. I was a cleaner with the First Order, I haven't the foggiest." Poe's face drops.

"You were a cleaner?" He says, his face disbelieving, Finn also looks up from the table where he was polishing weapons.

"Um... Yes." You frown at the both of them. "You didn't know?"

They both shake their heads.

"How did you and Kylo... Well..." Poe crosses his fingers and points them towards you.

You frown at the both of them.

"Well..." You begin, leaning forward in your seat. "I guess it was a..."

You narrow your eyes.

Poe rolls his hands, in a 'go on' gesture.

"Well, I found his helmet, back when he wore it... And I thought he was going to kill me, but turns out he didn't..." You shrug. "Then we began to train and..." You trail off.

"Hey Finn, I want my next love to be with someone I thought was going to murder me," Poe calls across the room.

Finn laughs but then returns a gaze to you, his eyebrows raised.

"Well, that sure is romantic," Poe says resting his chin on his hand with a satisfied smile.

"It was just something that... Happened?" You try to defend yourself, but instead feel the question inside you as well.

How on Hoth did you and Kylo 'get together'?

All those trainings you believed it would be the end. His expressionless, unfriendly demeanour... Not to mention the hate for him that you had held.

Poe nods and turns to where he assumes Finn is, winking at some point over his left shoulder.

"Fine, how about you two, anybody special in your lives?"

Finn and Poe both instantly go silent, each looking away from each other and you.

"Hey, no fair I told you two!" You grin at them and wait for an answer.

Finn clears his throat, meeting your eyes.

"The girl I loved has been gone too long." He announces and sucks his cheeks in, tapping his fingers on the table.

You stare at him, suddenly feeling like the room had become three sizes smaller.

He looks up and around the room again. "Well, your go Poe." He says attempting to lighten the mood.

Poe purses his lips and stretches his arms out along the back of the bench.

"Well, if you're unavailable..." Poe waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively, you reach over and punch his ribs lightly in retaliation, causing Poe to slide further away.

"Then I guess..." He tries to hit back and misses. "I will have to find a new unfocused blob of colour."

Kylo poked his head out of the cockpit at that moment.

"Hey guys, uh, I guess you might want to look out the window." He smiles, focusing on you in particular.

"No fair..." Poe sighs and stays seated. But you and Finn move to the cockpit, crowding in and gazing at the view below you.

A planet covered in blue is appearing out of clouds. Sprinkled throughout the sea are islands, hundreds of various sizes and shapes. Some are high enough to have clouds circle around their spires, others are small, surrounded by white which you guess are waves cresting on their shores.

Some of the archipelagos were a deep green of grass, others had grey stone cliffs.

"Welcome to Ahch-to" Tyler murmurs, watching the sea get bigger until it took up all of the vision out of the window. The islands become larger as well, soon you would draw level with some of the larger mountains.

Tyler reaches out and fiddles with some controls and the ship rapidly slow, still you are only a few metres above the water, drawing level with the mountains and cliffs.

You move closer to the window, watching the water blur underneath you, and yet you still notice shapes moving beneath the surface of the blue.

While passing one island you notice strange animals sunning themselves on the cliff, unable to see your ship, their long snouts stay turned up towards the sky where you notice two suns, both high in the horizon.

"Is that?" Finn begins, also moving closer to the window.

"The Millennium Falcon." Kylo finishes, his eyes focused on it.

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