Começar do início

Yoongi holds my hand and we walk in the hall. Suddenly everyone stairs at us. My face getting hot due to nervousness. I walk softly with Yoongi as I hear whispering of people.

"Woah Yoongi oppa has become more handsome!"

"Who is that guy accompanying him?"

"I wish I could walk up there with Yoongi hyung"

I ignore everything trying to conectarte for not messing up anything.
As we reach middle of the hall and guests all around us. The music fades and a waiter hands the glasses with whiskey to both of us. "Ah thank you" i say bowing and everyone whispered again.

"Woahh...what is he doing?"

I look at Yoongi and stand still, frozen. Yoongi seems not minding though. He raised his glass up and I look at the direction. I am damn scared as there stands his father looking at us. Mainly at me judging. I swallow hard and look down.

His father walks towards us holding a glass. He comes near us and asked Yoongi about where is Namjoon. "Father.." Namjoon says walking in as well with jin and father is now boiling with anger.

But he stays calm. May be because of all the guests. Namjoon raises his glass as well. Jin stands beside me and we are slightly are cast out as his father stands between both Yoongi and namjoon.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for joining The Mins here. I look forward for my brightest sons, Namjoon and Yoongi" the father says and crowd applauses for them. Yoongi and Namjoon smirks like royalty while signaling everyone to enjoy the party.

Then the music becomes loud again and dance floor is filled with couples and singles. father ignores me and jin purposefully as he takes yoongi & Namjoon with him to meet some family.

I walk behind them but jin stops me and tells me not to go. We sat at the bar near dance floor as I gulp down the drinking looking at Yoongi who is meeting with family with a son of our age.

"Don't look there seokie. You will only get hurt" jin says and and turn my face. "I don't care. I just wanna enjoy the party."
He chuckles.

Suddenly a muscular guy approaches and comes near us. "Wanna dance?" He asks jin. I smile pushing jin. "Uhm ...thank you but no..." Jin simply denies. The guys mumbles something but goes away.

"Jin..it was just a dance. Why didn't you go? When will we get a chance again to come at such a party"

"I can't. Namjoon has given strict instructions for not dancing, talking or even being near with anyone else" jin says. "Oh come on. What he can do now. He is busy there see" i tell him because Namjoon is talking with a girl that came with her parents as well.

"Oh he can do. If he sees me."

"What? He can't come leaving the guest" i say.

Actually I know we are supposed to listen to out masters. But somehow Yoongi talking to that guy making me mad. Am i jealous? May be. I dont know. But he brought me with him. Why is he talking to him? Didn't he say he hate talking to people??

I pull jin to come with me to dance floor to get some partners. My intention is simple just to get yoongi's attention. But as soon as I pull jin he whines "ahh...f*ck"

"Jin what Happened?"

Jin immediately looks at Namjoon who looks at us smirking and then again looks at different direction.

"Bu-buttplug" jin speaks as he tries to sit. His breathing becomes heavy.

 His breathing becomes heavy

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REAL LIFE【YoonSeok】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora