IHT 9| Im cured?

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Kim Min Ho's POV

"Eomma? (Mom)"-me
I saw my mother and then she turn around.
"Min Ho!"-eomma
She walk and then she hug me then I just realize that I hug my mother back I can't believe it I just hug her.
"Min Ho a-are you cured?"-eomma


"Are you cured? I mean did you really hug me this time? If yes I think you're cured right now. But how?"-eomma

"I'm cured? I'm not sure if I'm cured I don't know why I just hug you."-me
Suddenly my mother cry and then she was about to hug me but I take one step back from her. I don't know why but I just feel nervous.
"Min ho-ah~~, what's wrong? Are you still afraid?"-me

"i-I don't know, I don't want you to touch me, just go away."-me

"but min ho I miss you very-"-eomma

"I'm not cured,okay? Don't even assume that I'll be cured. Just go away from me!"-me

"Min ho, I know you're afraid that I'll hug you but please don't push me away. I didn't even hug you in the past years."-eomma

"Push you away? Now look who's talking who push his own son. Just go to your house and don't even come here!"-me
After I shout to her I ran in the garden. How can she say that she miss me even though she doesn't care to me since I was a child?
I ran up to the stairs and go up to my father's room to ask him to play with me but I saw my mother and father talking or should I say arguing and fighting. I peek in the door so I could hear their conversation.
"Aishh gun ho (min ho's father) don't you know that min ho always brought us a bad luck?"-eomma

"How can you say that to your own child?!!"-appa (father)

"I wish I didn't have that child, I wish that he die on the day he was born!"-eomma
I was shock because my mom said that she wish that I die and what was more shocking is my father slaps my mother. My mother cried and then she open the door and she see me crying she didn't even care if I heard their conversation.
"You're such an obstacle in my life min ho"-eomma
After that she passed me and I saw my father running to me and hug me
"Appa how *sniff* can mother say that?"-me

"SHhh, its okay I'm here I won't leave you"-appa
I hug my father tight and cry in his arms and I didn't know that I sleep on his shoulder.
*Flashback Ends*
I didn't know that I was crying I was about to wipe them but a pair of hands hug me in my waist.
"Yah! Why did you shout to your mother?"-thalia

"I don't care. She is a bad mother"-me

"but still you shouldn't shout to her. She's your mother after all"-Thalia

"you didn't even know the whole story."-me

"I know everything why you hate your mother. I know I will also be angry if I were you but if my mother run to me and hug me like how your mother hug you I will hug her."-Thalia

"Easy for you to say."-me

"Can't you see that she change? You're so lucky because your mother came to apologize and visit you to see if your okay."-Thalia

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