"How did you two meet?" She asked.

"Um, at the mall," Ashton lied. "Maddy works there."

"Oh," Anne said. "How long ago was that?"

"Like, four months ago." Maddy said.

"And you've been dating since then?"

"Not exactly," Ashton said. "Um, we hung out a little bit aat first and then didn't see each other for awhile. But then we started talking again, like..."

"Six weeks ago," Maddy filled in and Ashton nodded.

"Well, I'm glad. Maddy, you seem like a very nice girl."

Maddy thanked her and then Anne got up, taking Ashton's empty glass and Maddy's full one into the kitchen.

"Ashton," Maddy whispered, looking into his eyes. "Now would be a good time to tell her."

"I know," he said. "I'm going to when she comes back."

It was a few more minutes until Anne did return. "You're brother and sister should be home soon," she said. "School ended a little while ago and they're walking home."

"Okay," Ashton said, standing up. "Mom, can you sit down? I need to tell you something."

Anne looked nervous, but sat down on a chair on the opposite side of the room. "Ashton, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," he promised. "I just have some news."


"You know that I love you and Lauren and Harry, and I really wanted you to meet Maddy, but I have to be honest. I had some ulterior motives for this trip," Ashton paused and took a breath, turning to look at Maddy briefly and she smiled reassuringly. "Mom, Maddy's pregnant. She and I are having a baby."

Anne's face almost immediately fell. Her lips parted slightly and she was silent for a long time.

"Mom-" Ashton started.

"What?" Anne exclaimed, standing up. "Ashton, oh my god!"

"Mom, I'm sorry." Ashton said, putting his hands up in defense and taking a few steps back.

"How long? How long have you known and you haven't told me?"

"I've known for six weeks," Ashton told her. "But Mom-"

Anne turned to face Maddy. "Maddy," she said, her voice softer than when she was speaking to Ashton. "How far along are you?"

"I, um. I'm fourteen weeks." Maddy stuttered, quietly, unable to meet her eyes.

"And you've only known for six weeks?"

"No, I've known the whole time." Maddy said, her breath catching slightly as she became nervous.

"Ashton," Anne said, turning back to her son. "You two didn't meet at the mall did you?" Ashton hesitated, but eventually shook his head. "You met this poor girl for one night and got her pregnant didn't you?"

Ashton hesitated again. "Yes," he told her.

"How many times have I taught you to not be so stupid?" She explained and Ashton shook his head, silently.

Maddy could feel tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. They had been stupid and Maddy was so upset that Ashton's mother felt this way. This, Maddy thought, was exactly why he didn't tell her in the first place. Because she would think I was stupid.

Maddy let her head fall into her hands, trying and failing to prevent a sob from passing her lips. Some part of her mind registered that Ashton and his mother's arguing had ceased.

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