noah puckerman

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Santana's Point of View

Puck kisses me slowly and nibbles on my bottom lip lightly. I'm still in my cheer uniform and he's in a hoodie and nike shorts.

After cheer practice, he waited for me outside of the girl's locker room and when I came out he asked to give me a ride home. I hesitated at first because I was hoping Brittany would give me one but then I remebered she didnt even show to practie.

I feel his hand slide up my skirt and I grab it and place it back on my hip. He kisses me faster and adds tongue. Instead of his hand trying to go up my skirt, it goes up and grabs one of my breasts.

"Noah," I say as a warning and I move his hand but he just grabs it again causing me to push him off of me

"What the fuck Santana." he says as I get off of the bed

"Why can't we just make out without you trying to have sex?" I tighten my ponytail and pull down my skirt, that came up as we were making out

"We haven't had sex since the beginning of summer." he says sitting up, "That's damn near four months."

"Are you only in this for sex?"

"At times, yes but that's how it's supposed to be." he says with pure confidence, which pisses me off a little bit

I scoff, "Your fucking ridiculous."

"I'm ridiculous? Your the one who won't let me in your pants." he says sounding like the biggest perv/hornball

"Why can't we just make out?"

"Why can't we just have sex?" he asks and I can tell that this is the start of an argument, "It's like ever since you met Brittany, you've been completely blowing me off."

I was waiting for that one.

"Brittany's my best friend. It's best friend over boyfriend."

"Not when you've known your boyfriend longer." he says sadly and I bite down on my bottom lip, "Everytime I want to see you, you always tell me no because your either going to see Brittany or your already with her."

"Why are we just now talking about this?"

"Because there was no point if I was just going to break up with you." he looks back up and my eyes widen, "I know your secret Santana." he no longer sounds sad

"What secret?" I ask even though I already know. My anxiety level goes up and I feel like Puck isn't the only one in the room with me. Like there's an audience.

"Your gay for Brittany and you've been using me to cover it up."

I stand there speechless. If he knows then who else knows?

"Who told you?"

He laughs, "No one had to tell me what was already in front of me. I started to get suspicious when your lock screen was a picture of you and her and not you and me, but then I told myself that girls do that all the time and that we're not really dating. But it was confirmed when I started to notice the looks you two would give each other and the times you would sneaking off at parties." a grin forms on his face, "It was only a matter of time before you joined the other team."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, ignoring his ignorant comment he just made

"Your the hottest cheerleader at school and the only way for me to keep my cred up was if I was dating you."

Dating or doing?

"So you used me?" my feelings are a little hurt because there was a time when I did like Puck

"Don't pull the victim card cause you used me too." he licks his bottom lips, "I kinda care about you  and I want you to be happy. I'm not gonna tell people because that's even more pettier than us using each other."

"Thank you." That's the only thing I say because what else do you say in a situation like this?

"Do you love her?" he asks and I nod my head, "Then why aren't you with her?"

"I'm scared of the people at school."

"No your not," he says getting off of my bed, "Your scared that you coming out is gonna be all for nothing, because your only thinking about the bad things. Like you guys breaking up or something." he puts on his shoes, "You gotta stop lying to yourself."

"I'm not."

"No one is gonna give two flying fucks about you being gay. Your still gonna be head cheerleader and instead of boys chasing you, there's gonna be girls chasing you too and we all know you love a good chase."

He pulls me into a hug and I laugh. Puck is the second person I've come out to and he didn't judge me. He accepted me and that makes me feel safe. I was more scared to come out to him than I am to come out to my family.

Noah isn't a bad person. He just does whatever he wants without thinking of consequences. At the end of the day he still has a heart.

"Thanks Puck." I say when he pulls back. I peck his lips and he gives me a small smile

"If you ever want to remember what straight sex feels like, call me." he says as he walks out of my room and I laugh

Okay, so that happened really fast. It was strangely quick. We just ended it and no feelings were hurt. He was the first step to me being completely out of the closet. I was gonna come out to him, then to my parents and my grandma, and then to the school.

I still can't believe how quick that was. One minute he's trying to have sex with me and the next he's telling me about how he knows I'm a lesbian. Funny how shit works.

When I can finally move from that one spot I was glued to, I sit down on the edge of my bed and pick up my phone.

The phone rings before she finally picks up, "Britt, Puck knows about me and you."

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