10: "Fear me"

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Still Battle POV( I freaking love this story)

"NO!" Alex turned to see a blinding flash of light. He covered his eyes as he was sent flying into the wall." Who could've-" he stopped when he was looking at the little girl, Hazel. Darks eyes widened as he looked at her. Her figure glitch in and out of existence and a bright pinch glow surrounded her. But it was her eyes that scared Alex. Her eyes were glowing pink, the blue and brown was gone." No one hurts my family." She raised her hands and hundreds of glowing pink swords appeared behind her. Alex's eyes widened." No way." She moved her fingers and the swords launched towards Alex.

He created a shield and blocked them, however the swords swirled around attacking him from all angles." What the!" He tried to blocking them but only failed. Several knifes dig into his bod and he collapsed." You wotn defeat me!" Hazel smirked. The knifes disappeared. She moved her hand over and one of the machines floated up. She brought it over Alex and created a fist with her hand. The machine dropped on top of Alex each time she brought her hand down.

She threw the machine across the room and picked Alex up" But your just a kid." She swirled her hand across her chest throwing Alex into the wall. Her hand went up and so didn't Alex, her hand went down, so did Alex. She dropped him and another bright light shown. Alex got up and created a sword in his hand. When the light disappeared a teenage girl was standing in Hazels place. Her eyes glew pink, her hair ombréd from brown to pink instead of black.

A pink sword formed in her hand and she charged. Alex didn't have time to react until her sword collided with his. He stared with fear into the girls eyes. She smirked launching him back into the wall. He was held up by a pink force." You, will fear me." The girl spoke. Her voice was deeper than Hazels, more mature and older." What do you mean?" Alex was answered when his skin started to peel away. He panicked and scream in pain. The girls hand moved making the peeling happen to every part of Alex. He screamed until there was nothing left of him. The pink glowed disappeared. Dark looked at where Alex had been then back to the girl.

But she was gone, and sweet little Hazel was in her place. Dark saw the the pixles around him were gone and stood up." H-Hazel?" Hazel smiled and ran to Dark." Dada!" She hug him tightly. He smiled and hugged her back." H-how did you do that?" Hazel gave him a confused look." Do what?" Dark looked at the other Ipliers who were slowly starting to get up." I believe hat our dear Hazel here, is the rarest type of magical being there is." Dr. Iplier said standing up." Wait I thought there were only for major ones. Aura, Gliitch, Human, and Pixel." The doctor shook his head.

"There is one more, so rare it isn't spoke of in books. The soulless." Dark looked confused at the doctors while Hazel was even more confused." The soulless have this kind of battle mode, when in this mode they lose a part of there soul. They have control over that one part and enforce it upon others. And I think Hazels is fear." Dark looked to her daughter who returned the look." Your saying my daughter lacks fear?" Dr. Iplier shook his head." No, she has all her emotions, but while in battle, if things get out of hand she can go into the super battle mode, and use fear against her enemy."

Dark finally understand what the doctor was saying and nodded." So Hazel here, just saved our lives?" A huge grin formed on Hazels face." Yeah, pretty much." Bim said smiling." Yay!!" Hazel happily danced around. The ipliers watched her smiling." Now, time to go get the others." Dark said. The ipliers and Hazel all ran to the blue door and ran in.

Darks POV( and we're back!)

We ran along the hallway looking in every door." Come on, they have to be somewhere." Wilford said sighing. I pulled on a door handle and it opened right up. I stepped inside and gasped. The septiceyes looked horrible. The Ipliers came inside and covered their mouths. Anti had blood all over him. There was a giant red mark on his neck where you could tell her had been hung. His hair was covered in blood and a mess and his eyes were blood shot.

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