9: Abdoned Bakery

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Darks POV

"Sheila's baked goods?" We were stood in front of a run down bakery that was no longer open." Google you sure His is the place?" Bim asked. Google nodded keeping his eyes fixed on the map in front of him." I'm positive this is the place ." I rolled my eyes and picked up Hazel." Dark why did you bring Hazel along?" Wilford asked gesturing the the small child." Because, who was I supposed to leave her with?" Wilford shrugged." Exactly, now let's just get in, get the septiceyes and get out." The others nodded as I pushed open the door." This feels like deja vu." Dr. Iplier muttered.

"This is creepy." Yandere said when she picked up a broken teacup." What exactly are we looking for google?" I asked. Hazel pointed to a picture and I quickly turned around." You do not need to see that." I looked to google who was inspecting a wall." Over here, there's some passage way behind this wall." I nodded." Alright then!" Wilford kicked a hole into the wall." Wil!" He looked to me and smiled." What? I want to go get Jameson and you want to get Anti, let's get a move on." He broke down the rest of the wall and stepped through.

"Well no turning back now." Bim said following Wil." I'm beginning to think I should have left Hazel with the Jim's." I muttered before also walking in. When we exited the passage way we were hit with a very foul smell." Ew, what is that?" Yandere said plugging her nose." Most likely blood, look at this." Dr. Iplier said pointing to a bunch of tubes. They all had blood in them, dry blood, fresh blood, weird blood." Okay let's just keep moving." We quickly walked away from the tubes.

"Hey guys, you need to see this." I followed Bim, my eyes widening when I saw it." That is some messed up shit." We were looking down into some giant basement. There were Chinese water torture devices, electric chairs, nooses, bloodied saws, Guillotine, and other very malicious weapons." I can't imagine what they must have done to them." Wilford said. My eyes widened. If they hurt Anti I'm going to kill them." Come on." I quickly turned and started down the stairs. I looked behind and saw the others were following." Dada? What's going on?" I reached the bottom and she lifted her eyes from the horrible machines." We're going to rescue daddy." 

I came upon a blue door and stopped." Prisoners. Guys this is it." The other came up behind me. Google reach over and tried to pull on the handle." It's locked." "Well of course it's locked!" We turned around and saw Alexander, and..."Derick?" He nodded smiling." You went to school with us didn't you?" Wilford asked. Again Derick nodded." Why are you here?" Derick smirked." Well simple, I want revenge on you guys for taking the septiceyes from you." I arched my eyebrows in confusion." Taking them away from you?" Derick nodded." I had a major crush on them, but sadly, they all love you dorks, so I'm getting revenge." 

I glared and turned to Alexander." How are YOU alive, Anti killed you." He laughed shaking his head." Don't you rember what I said? I'll be back?" I took a step back gulping." Aww is that a kid?" He took a step forward. I stepped back holding Hazel away from him." Man, Anti never said he had a kid!" I glared at him." Shut up and tell us where they are!" Alexander looked confused." Who are you talking about?" He snickered at the end." You know damn well who we're talking about." Yandere snapped." Oo fiesty. Don't believe I got your name." Yandere looked disgusted and turned away. Alex laughed again." Ah you mean the septiceyes don't you?" 

I nodded slowly." Ah, they're so sadly dead." My heart stopped." W-what?" Alex broke into laughter." JK!" I glared as he continued to laugh." Oh you should have seen your face!" Bim crossed his arms." I'm about to punch you in yours." Alex stopped laughing and smirked." Aww, is someone worried for poor Jackieboy?" Bim took a shaking breath." Well sine your here might as well have some fun. Derick go make sure our little toys are having fun." That sentence sent chills down my spine." You got it." Derick ran of into the blue doored room.

I turned and glared at Alexander." Here we go again." I set Hazel down." Hazel go hide, Dada will come get you when this is all over." Hazel nodded and quickly ran off." She's a brave little girl. Too bad she'll be stuck here with me once her dads are dead." I quickly made a sword and charged at Alex.

Battle POV 

Dark charged at Alex who easily moved aside." I'm stronger now Dark, you can't win." Dark ignored his words and charged at him again. Alex smiled creating a sword. He hit it against Darks sending him flying. Alex laughed until something hit him in the back. He turned and saw Wilford with his gun out." Oh sorry, my mistake I was maiming for your face." Wilford fired again. Alex dodged multiple attacks." Ha that all you got!" He was soon shown when he was knocked down from behind." Yandere raised her sword prepared to end him.

"Not so fast." Alex grabbed Yanderes ankle and sent a wave of pixels up it. Yandere screamed falling to the ground. Alex took this chance to get back up. He grabbed Yanderes sword and smiled." Mine now." He swung the sword through the air nearly hitting Yandere who dived just in time. She jumped up and kicked him in the face. Alex stumbled back dropping the sword. She grabbed her sword and fixed her skirt."hmph!"  Google sent a shock wave through the air hitting Alex in the back." Wow, thought you were stronger." Dark said walking over to Alex.

"You want stronger, I'll show you stronger." A wave of or angle pixles knocked all the egos back. Alex stood up laughing. Pixles whirled around him." Much better." Yandere charged at Alex who just stood there. When Yandere swung her sword, Alex grabbed it. Yanderes eyes widened." Bye bye sword." The sword shattered. Alex grabbed Yandere by the neck and threw her across the room." How did he break it?" Bim asked Wilford who only stood with a shocked expression.

Alex turned to Google and smirked." Uh oh." Google made a shield right as Alex swung at him." Oh smart one." Google shield broke and he was pushed to the ground." But not smart enough." A spear google rolled on the ground to avoid a spear to the face. Google went to stand up but couldn't." What the.." He looked at his arms which were held to the ground by purple pixels." Are you kidding me!" He tiger at the pixles but didn't break free." Ah google, so smart, yet so dumb." Alex slapped Google across the face." You can do everything, but when your tied down, your useless." Alex punched him in the gut

Alex laughed as Google winced. He kicked him in the chest, the face, he crotch. Google fell back not able to move. Alex laughed." Oh Wil!" He turned around catching a bullet The was coming his way." What How!" Alex smirked and turned the billet back towards Wilford." I told you I was stronger." He sent the bullet back which hit Wilford in the shoulder. Wilford grabbed his shoulder but kept firing at Alex, each billet was returned to hit him instead." Wilford just give up." Wilford dropped his gun and fell to the ground." Now yo-" Alex fell to the ground when a force from the side pushed him. 

He looked to see Bim with his fist out." Oh, the show host wants to try me." Alex hopped up and cracked his knuckles. Bim seemed to shrink and back away a little bit." You ipliers are so foolish." Bim went to punch him, but Alex caught his fist. He twist his arm until he heard satisfying cracks." Bim!" Alex turned around to be hit in the face." Oh right, forgot about you doc. It's funny, you guys are digging and a Host is just sitting there." The two ipliers turned to host who was sat on the ground." Host knows the outcome of this battle, he has no need to fight." Host spoke not moving.

Alex smiled and took this chance to attack the two. The kicked Dr. Iplier in the side and punched Bim in the face. The two fell to the ground." Now time for you Dark." Dakr charged at Alex and their swords clashed. Dark lunged at alex Who doves he attack swiping his sword across Darks chest. Dark stumbled back and held his bleeding torso." This was fun, I'll admit, so sad it had to end so soon." Alex pushed Dark to the ground. The grimes pixles around his arms and legs. Dark struggled against the pixles but wa synae to get up." Now, time to end you all." He formed a pixelated spear above each iplier." No!"

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