5: School

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Antis POV

Me and Dark we're sitting in our human forms with Hazel in between us." When do you think she would start?" I asked the nice lady who was helping us enroll Hazel." Uh tomorrow Connor." I smiled and looked to Dark. In human form we were Connor and Evan." Thank you miss for your time." Dark said as we stood. We shook hands with the lady and left the school." So Hazel, are you excited for school?" Hazel just looked down and shook her head." Why not?" Dark asked as he strapped her in the child seat." School is scary." I smiled and rubbed Hazel knee before closing the door and getting in the front." You'll be okay Hazel." She smiled as we drove home.

When we walked in the door me and Dark immediately changed back to ourselfs." I hate that we have to do that." Dark said sighing." Yeah, if we were still in high school it would be completely fine if we went out as ourselfs, but Becasue the government decided it didn't like pixels, auras and glitches, we have to disguise ourselfs." I said putting an arm around him. He smiled as we walked and sat on the couch. I looked at Hazel who was drawing." Whatcha drawing Hazel?" I asked as I watched her.

She looked at me and smiled." It's a surprise." She said before giggling and going back to drawing. Me and Dark looks to each other and smiled." Oh, I have something to give you Anti." Dark suddenly said and smiled before running off. I just laughed and watched TV. I heard Dark come back with a big smile." Close your eyes." I closed my eyes and bounced up and down starting to get giddy. I felt him put something on my head and I gasped." Open them." I opened my eyes and saw Dark with the flower crown I made him in high school on. I quickly reached up and grabbed the one that was on my head." You fixed it!" He nodded and I hugged him smiling." Thank you!" I hugged back." Your welcome." We pulled away and I put the flower crown back on.

"Done!" Hazel said grabbing the paper." Look I drew us!" She happily said showing us the picture. On the left was Dark surrounded by his Aura, on the right was me glowing green and in the middle was Hazel in a pretty dress holding both our hands. It was titled'My Family'." Aw, Hazel." I picked her up and hugged her." Thank you sweetie." Dark said joining the hug.


Hazels POV

I stood in the doorway of my new classroom holding my daddy's hand. Dada has gone to a meetings so daddy said he'd take me." Hazel look at me." I looked up at daddy and he smiled." Your gonna be okay." I smiled as he walked me into the classroom. He walked me up to the teacher and introduced himself before introducing me." Hazel this is Mrs. Myers. She's going to be your teacher." I looked at the lady who smiled. She clapped her hands getting the glasses attention." Class, we have a new student, her name is Hazel." A few kids waved while others just smiled.

"Tells us about yourself Hazel." I looked to my daddy and he smiled giving my hand a squeeze." Um, I'm three. I have one blue eye, and one brown eye. I live with my Dada and daddy." A few kids gave me stares but I saw two boy smiles widen." Um, I like my Dada cuz he's super strong and loves to tickle me when I'm upset, and I live my daddy because he had two different eyes too! And tells me I'm special and I'm his little princess." I smiled as the class clapped. Daddy leaned down and hugged me." I love you Hazel, have a good day." He smiled before leaving the classroom." Hazel why don't you go sit at that empty desk?"

Mrs. Myers pointed at a table of four with an open desk. I walked over and sat down staying quiet." Hi, I'm Keith!" A boy with black hair and a French accent spoke." I'm Liam" a boy with white hair and green eyes spoke with a thick British accent. I looked beside me to the girl who looked at my eyes." My names Ariel!" She said smiling. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes." We all colored and talked throughout the class. I learned that Laim was brown with white hair as a birth defect, Keith got his name from his southern mom even though his French father wanted to me his Bernard. And Ariel said she was named after a Disney princess.

I was really enjoying school when I saw a few kids staring at me. I didn't they liked me so I just looked away. At lunch time I was super happy to see what my dads packed me. I saw a sandwich with the crust cut off just like I like it. Some apple slices, an apple juice, and applesauce. Dada knew I was in love with apples so he packed me a lot of apple stuff. Then there were some cookies that I knew were from my daddy." Wow, that's a lot of apples." Liam said smiling." Yeah, I really like them." Keith got a sandwich, some bread called a crumpet, a packet of butter, and a bottle milk, with some Oreos. Liam had a lunchable, something called crisp, which just looked liked chips to me. A purple juice box and something called dipdab. Ariel got two sandwiches, a cookie and chips.

We alllaughed as we talked with food stuffed in our mouths. After lunch we got a lesson about numbers. I learned to count to 10! Shortly after parents started to arrive. I was introduced to Liam's parents Who were both super nice, though their accent was a little hard to understand. Keith's mom was nice, they said that his dad was in France seeing family. I met Ariel's parents who seemed kinda weird, but they were still still nice. I saw Dada and Daddy run in and hug me." How was your day Hazel." Dada asked happily." Good let me introduce you to my friends." I saw my dads look at each other before smiling.

I introduced them to Ariel first and she loved them. Though they did get some weird stares from her parents Ariel said she'd love to come over some time." Sure, it would be great for Hazel to have a play date someday." Daddy said smiling. Me and Ariel hugged before saying goodbye. I introduced them to Keith who was super crazy to meet them." Your daughter so nice, and so cool, and so funny." Keith said and I laughed. My dads just smiled and talked to his parents. I finally let them met Liam. Dark complimented Liam's hair which made him smile. After we talked for a bit my family got in the car.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your first day Hazel." Daddy said buckling me up." Me too, it was fun!" He smiled before getting in himself." I can't wait for tomorrow!"

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