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"when I was young, I always wanted to be like da Vinci. he was very professional." i looked up to him and sighed.

"but as I grew older, I turned out as Van Gogh. His paintings were messy, and swirly." I swiped my bangs out my face and let out a slight smile.

"tho it was beautiful, and inspirational." i tucked away a small strand of my hair, behind my ear.

"but you know? you turned out as both of their paintings." he looked at me straight from the eye.

"your'e like Mona Lisa, you're fucking beautiful. your harmony exists like Da Vinci's perspectival representation of her." he smirked, but happily.

"and you're like a starry night. your eyes shine like those damn stars. you make me feel nice even tho i feel like my ear just got chopped off like what they did to Vincent Van Gogh." i giggled slightly from the reference.

"I love how God painted you." He looked at me very shocked by the response in his face.

"Every single detail." I leaned until I had the chance to whisper in his ear.

paintings ♤ Blaster Silonga ♤ iv of spadesWhere stories live. Discover now