Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

-Where Kakashi meets her godly side of the family-


With her bag placed defensively on her lap, Kakashi tries to ignore the satyr beside her as she looks outside the window of the taxi they're both in blankly.

It was difficult convincing her mother to let her go unattended with Coach Hedge - since much to Kakashi's amusement and pity, the goat-man got on her mother's shit list due to his half-assed assumptions - but Kakashi is adamant. It still felt like a slap to the face knowing that she was the main reason for the monsters flocking around their place and she has a peculiar feeling in her gut that the journey there wouldn't be easy. She certainly will not endanger any of family again now that she knows the situation.

It still smarts knowing how ignorant and arrogant she was about everything.

Kakashi knows it's idiotic, stupid and irrational to continuously wallow in self-pity and hatred, since no one was hurt in the first place but she can't- just can't stop blaming herself.

Knowing that they could have been injured or worse, killed, just because she was there, just because she existed-

Well, the realization hurt like hell.

Kakashi tries her best to put on a show for her mama and uncles, but she didn't think she convinced her mother much. Her mama always did have this weird intuition-thing when it comes to her and instead, just hugged her tightly before she left, whispering discreetly about caring for the handgun they packed the other night. Although Kakashi doesn't really care much for guns since, as much as they were a fad in this world, they're unwieldy and loud (not that it affected her skill in the art since one can never be too sure when it would come handy), she appreciated the act for what it's worth and murmured her thanks.

Her uncles on the other hand...

It's kind of insulting how relieved they were when they heard she won't be staying for the summer. They barely even hid it, the shits. Not that she could blame them since her pranks have admittedly been increasingly creative as she tried to use her genjutsu-like ability in numerous ways, but they could have acted otherwise! Don't they know common courtesy? Tch.

Her Uncle Peter gave her another set of daggers though. There's a reason why he's her most tolerated uncle. The signature gold on the edge of the knives seems more prominent, but it's sharp and crafted well so she accepted it gratefully.

Kakashi stiffens.

Something's wrong.

Catching sight of a glint of metal on the side mirror, Kakashi heeds the tug in her stomach screaming trouble and sits up. "Can you stop the car, please? Here's the money. Just step on it as you turn back. Thank you." She announces resignedly.

Pushing the satyr out and ignoring his protests about how they're not there yet, Kakashi smiles at the confused face of driver, slings her bag on one shoulder, and drags the satyr forward.

"We'll just walk there, yes?" Kakashi says lightly as they walk through several quaint country houses and hills - barely registering the sound of the taxi's screech as it turns and leaves. "No need to bother civilians who had no business here after all, hm?"

Gesturing for the satyr to take the lead, Kakashi silently readies her daggers and waits warily for the show to start.


Kakashi grins threateningly, baring her teeth. "Move. Now."

"Okay." Coach Hedge replies meekly.

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