Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

-Where Kakashi gets bugged to Camp-Half-Blood-


"Collins!" A voice calls out loudly.

Kakashi is on her way to the library, one of her usual haunts, but recognizing the caller and deeming it more trouble than it's worth, she abruptly turns on her heels and smoothly increases her pace.

She can return her borrowed book next time.


"Amirah!" the irritating voice that's been bugging her for the past month booms out in the hallway. "Collins! Woohoo!"

Restraining herself from giving a very distinct middle finger to the annoying satyr who's been screaming at her for the better part of the week, Kakashi ignores the holler and ducks towards her Advanced Mathematics class.

The teacher in that class is particularly strict and she's sure not even Coach Hedge would go against Mrs. Kerr's bubbly passive-aggressiveness. Her blonde teacher can work it like a pro and can even give Itachi a run for his money in that particular department.

(It's honestly kind of scary how her mama bonded with the Math teacher so quickly, but yay for her. She got more slack than most, at least. With the two's shared interests in guns and weaponry – a fact that was discovered after a particularly memorable Parent-Teacher Conference -, Mrs. Kerr's practically her mother's bestie. Seriously. She's not kidding. Kakashi is half-sure that if her mother wasn't as straight as they come, the two would have eloped together already.)

She doesn't heed the incredulous look of the students around and busies herself on reading more about the copy of the Odyssey that she's slipped inside her Math textbook. She pilfered it from one of her more well-read uncles - aside from the usual Icha-Icha-alike book - since Coach Hedge makes it difficult to stay in her usual place of leisure.

It's none of those people's concern anyway.


Kakashi feels a migraine coming on at the sight of another Camp Half-blood card slipped inside of her textbook. At the rate this is going, she'll get her previous hairstyle – gray in all its mess-up glory - way earlier than she should at this point. She's been finding a bunch on her locker and no matter how much she tries to destroy the papers from existence it would persistently appear again the next day.

Ripping the card viciously, Kakashi flinches when she, once again, hears Coach Hedge calling out to her. The man's been practically stalking her these days and she's getting fed up. She's usually a very patient person but the satyr can't get the fucking hint.

Kakashi's just grateful that she doesn't have to take that shit from his class because, luckily, right after the debacle with the cock-horse, the application for the gymnastics club she decided to join on a whim was accepted. It became an appropriate substitute for the Physical Education subject and makes her mama happy. The uniforms are tight-fitting (thank kami for small miracles because she doesn't have boobs...yet) and show more skin than Kakashi's used to, but she spent most of her previous life as a freaking veteran ANBU where modesty was overrated so she doesn't really mind per se. The gymnastics practices and moves are really quite helpful in polishing the new fighting style she's trying to fit in her slight build.

Truthfully, Kakashi's only issue is the competitions. As much as she's tried to hold back and hide the full extent of her ability, she is still consistently singled out by the instructor and chosen to represent the school in several competitions around the country. As much as she enjoys her mother's proud smiles, her uncles get so much of a kick out of it that Kakashi almost always mercilessly pranks them afterwards.

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