Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

-Where Kakashi kicks ass and gets "saved" by an insane goat-man-


With her amber eyes flashing irritatedly, an 11-year-old Kakashi makes a very intimidating picture as she impatiently waits for her mama to come pick her up. As much as she liked making people wait in her previous life, she doesn't appreciate getting the same treatment. Especially when she's sharing more time and air than she should with simpering, blabbering brats she's been forced to spend most of her time with for the past two years.

Don't get her wrong. It's not like she hates her so-called schoolmates. No, Kakashi truly can't exert that much effort for something so insignificant.

She just doesn't like them.

Kakashi freely admits that it's not much of an improvement but, seriously, whose bright idea is it for her make friends with immature brats with nothing on their minds but makeup, boys or sports? Her mama, that's who! Kakashi recognizes the fact that it's illogical to blame her new mother, since it's not like Sarah knows that her daughter's secretly a dimension-travelling male shinobi in his late twenties with a bit of perversion - hah! - and a mountain of psychological issues. (She doesn't wish to get thrown into what they call a mental hospital, no. Nuh-uh. Even the thought makes her shudder. It's a building that she half-suspects exists just to be the bane of her existence. It's a building embodying two of the things she would touch with a ten-foot pole. Her questionable mental health and a hospital. Ugh.) But, even after knowing and understanding all this, she can't help but sulk. (Yes, sulk. She does that now when she realizes how piss-poor her manly pride is. Why not take the whole cake, right?)

She's not even allowed to move up a grade and graduate earlier like she did before! Her mother makes it clear every time Kakashi asks because she always reasons out that she wants her daughter to interact with people "her own age". Snort. She's not doing that. Not a chance in hell. Kakashi's content with learning and absorbing topics and subjects available in the library and on the surprisingly advanced computers anyway.

Kakashi can hardly tolerate the academy students from her previous life and they're leagues more mature than the children here. Add the fact that she's a genius among prodigies and how emotionally-stunted she is, is it any wonder why she feels like this opportunity is akin to torture?

But, Kakashi digresses. It's not all bad. It sure beats getting trained as a killer from a young age, and the lessons are certainly interesting. Goode High School has a wide range of subjects she can pass the time with, although it's quite boring to take the same lessons again and again. It's interesting to know about the so-called laws in science - amusing to know, since she regularly broke it before as a shinobi -, the numerous civilizations and culture this world has gone through, and the advances in technology this dimension has achieved.

Kakashi still can't wrap her mind around the ideas of democracy, rights and peace. Unlike before, information and knowledge is freely shared, not hoarded. Innocent until proven guilty. A semblance of unity with hundreds of countries and lands where most children aren't used as tools and live a relatively long life without killing someone. Of course, it's not all fluffs and rainbows, but compared to before - compared to the world she was first born into, this is practically heaven. This was what many shinobi are fighting for. This was the dream that started with Madara and Hashirama when they founded Konohagakure, the Hidden Village in the Leaves. This was the reality she wishes she and her comrades had before.

There are downsides, yes. The justice system sucks ass - even more so than her previous life, damn it. She once studied the topic when she was bored and she immediately realized how the process is too long and there are a bunch of holes in the so-called laws that could be easily exploited by half-competent jackasses. There's also the usual depravity of humans to consider, but, all in all, Kakashi can't help but cry manly tears (just once, though!) when she realized how far this civilization has gone.

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