Chapter 14: Royal Trial (3)

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As he removed the message window, he looked around the impressive room. Large, white marble pillars rose to a roof at least fifty meters high and the floor was covered by a large red carpet. Golden candleholders hung on the pillars, and the entire room was well lit by giant chandeliers in the roof.

What he expected would be his enemy was a knight clad in golden armor, wearing a cape made of black fur. Red eyes were glowing behind the knight's visor and the blade of his sword was made up of white fire. In his other hand he held a golden shield with a silver eagle decorated onto it.

He simply stood there, sword in one hand and shield in the other. Leon didn't really know what to do, so he took a few steps into the room.

His glowing red eyes followed Leon's movements, but he didn't attack.

[LV. 17][Forgotten Royal Guard][20,000/20,000]

He had low HP compared to the others, but because of this Leon could only assume he dealt more damage.

He decided to get the first strike in on the Royal Guard, and dashed towards his enemy. The moment he got close, however, the Royal Guard struck him with the side of his blade directly in the stomach.


He had understood that these enemies all did a lot of damage to him, but almost killing him in one strike... With the side of the blade. And it wasn't stopping there, the enemy followed up by slicing at him. Leon narrowly dodged the second attack, but then another strike caught him of guard.



Leon couldn't help but stare blankly at the deathscreen. It wasn't like this hadn't happened to him in other games, but still. The game had introduced him with the first boss of average difficulty, then it had made the second boss easier and now the third felt ridiculously hard.

It didn't attack him when he respawned, it seemed to only attack when he attacked first. He could sneak around him, but he needed the proof of the trial. This meant that, he had to fight.

And so he did, he battled the Knight only to die again, and again, and again... And again. He couldn't realise his enemy's pattern very well, since the swings constantly came from different directions.

He had also noticed something else, after already dying 10 times. He had lost 20% of his EXP. 20% flat, no less, no more. This meant that for each death here he lost 2% XP and would only get weaker with every death.

"Well, this sure as hell isn't good."

Leon looked up at his enemy, trying to see a weakness. He hadn't even landed a hit yet, so he was sure that this was going to be a pain. The only thing he had noticed was that the enemy only used it's sword to attack and only used it's shield to block.

It seemed obvious, but he had expected the enemy to try to bash I with the shield at least once, or block his attack with it's sword. But the enemy was bit quick and dealt high damage, so he would need to win this without being hit once.

He placed his hand on his chin, thinking carefully. He just couldn't find a weakness... No, he was just thinking too much. He had decided to be offensive, but it was really difficult. He was constantly pulling back and trying to block, he should just dodge and go in.

"Alright, let's go."

He dashed towards the knight, jumping into the air and slashing from above. The enemy dodged backwards, but Leon quickly closed the gap by thrusting his sword forward. This time, his enemy raised it's shield and tried to block his sword. Leon stopped mid-attack and instead struck at the enemy from below, but was once again blocked.

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