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So this is like a summary? What do you think about it? Is it interesting? Actually Even I,myself don't know if the storyline is good enough...hmm..That's why I need somebody's opinion about this summary...Will you help me? That...Should I continue to write it or not? Or you can tell me your idea to make the story more interesting! I'm appreciate to all of you if you read it. Thank you for spending your time to read my bored summary



You.Are the girl who want to be free.Bae envy all people who have happy family.But you not.You do have parents who serve you with luxurious and money.Yet you feel you don't even have them.You envy when parents yelling to their kids and at the end comfort them as well and telling them its for their sake.But not you.they just using you as their asset.Dragging you when they need.Leaving you when they got what they want.

Him.Are the man who used to be your friend.Jeon Jungkook.Who used to act like a saviour to you.Yet he left you because one reason that you know exactly who made it.of course your 'smooth' father.And now he has new friends and don't notice you as his collegues at the same university different courses.

You act like a normal person.Living a normal life at the university even it was not a reality in your life because... whenever you return home,you are living a quiet life again.Him? Yes.You have been observing him all the time when you see him.When his figure appeared in your sight.And he's happy with his life and seems to forget you already.But not you.You haven't forget him at all.How can you forget him when his smile still make you flutters.How can you forget him when his name still stay in your heart and he always appeared in your eyes whenever you go to the cafetria..The hall..the park..Everywhere although you and him are different courses and different building.

You are tired with your life and keeps wondering how long will you live on this cruel world.When will you vanish.When will you go away and live as a normal person and normal girl.and that's your wishes.The important one is you don't want to have any relationship with your parents anymore.You are tired living a life which full of control.everyone are controlling your life like you are a thing or a pet.obviously like a kid who can't organise her life by herself.You can't even make a decision by your own.You will always been followed.By the bodyguard even from far.Yet you still hate it.You hate your life.

You want to be free.

Until he spoke to you for the first time after years.Unfortunately he recognised you as well.

"What the-Yah! Where's the heck you put your eyes?! Look what you did to my dress!"

"I'm sorry"

She looked at you and scoffed. " I bet you are junior here,right? Yah! Say it properly! And one more-"

"What's going on here?"

"Her! She don't say sorry to me.shes junior here! She don't even respect me sunbae!"

You shifted your eyes to look at the man and met his eyes.

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