Help Me Fly

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Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction, so please take that into account while you're reading it. Hope you guys enjoy it though! :) - Jennifer


*Charlotte POV*-

I knew at that moment that I had become a monster. I dropped the bloody knife next to Robert's dead body. Robert was an innocent middle-aged man, whom the Chevolyn people had sent me to kill. Everyone in my family was a Chevolyn master. My mother had said when a person relating to a Chevolyn family turns 18, he or she had to a take a test- which involved murding innocent people. I never understood the Chevolyns.

I bolted out of the alley. I ran as fast as I could, my brown curls flowing behind me. I felt a sting in my heart. Robert didn't deserve to die. He had done nothing. I sat on a bench. I got an uncomfortable lump in my throat and tears started forming in my blue eyes.

My best friend Roxy called me. She was much less sensitive than I. She was fun, and outgoing. I picked up my phone.

"Hey Roxy," I said, trying to force my happy voice to come out.

"Hey girllllll!" she said brightly. "How's it going?"

"Not so well," I groaned. "I just completed the first part of my Chevolyn test, and I feel horrible." I was starting to feel lightheaded and I was seeing white.

"Yeahhhhhh, the Chevolyns are weird. No one understands them. And what's also weird is that if you don't kill the exact people they assign, you would have to battle a Fire Dragon," she said. She could hear me whimpering in tears over the phone. "Um, hey are you okay?"

"Not really," I mumbled.

"I know what will make you feel better," she said. I could hear her grin over the phone. "Meet me at the club in 20 minutes. Wear something hot!"

I accepted and hung up. I fumbled around my closet as I tried to find something club-ish to wear. I grabbed a black tube top and a pair of red skinny jeans.  I put on silver eyeshadow and slippe don my black stilettos and rushed out the door.

*Roxy POV*-

I was sad to see Charlotte like this. She was usually so happy and full of life. The Chevolyn's Test really changed people. Well, it didn't change me. It had been one year since I completed the test. I just went with it and got it over with. Charlotte still had to kill one more person. She'll be devastated. Oh well. Hopefully, this clubbing will help her get her mind off things. I played with my blonde hair, waiting for her to arrive.

*Charlotte POV*-

"I'm here!" I exclaimed. "Sorry I'm so late, but I saw these five guys walk by, and there was something about them that made me.........attracted to them."

"Well were they cute?" Roxy smirked. I blushed.

"Ha. Sure," I laughed. We entered the door, which was really just a white sheet. Inside, there were people raving and getting drunk. My eyes widened as I saw those same five guys at the lounge. Roxy followed my eyes and glanced at them.

"Oh were those the guys you were talking about?" she asked, while eyeing the one with the dark curls. 

"Um, yeah," I answered. We both walked up to them. The one with the striped top and the red jeans came to me.

"Hey didn't I see you walk by a few minutes ago?" he smiled.

"Yeah," I answered. "And your 'crew'."

He chuckled. "This is my band, One Direction. I'm sure you've heard of them," he said.

I was sad to say that I didn't. One Direction? I've never heard of them. Then again, Chevolyn people weren't really exposed to much in the real world. I stood there frozen.

"You've never heard of our band?!" he excalimed. "Wow, you're missing out on quite a lot. What's your name?"

"Charlotte," I answered.

"I'm Louis. Allow me to introduce you," he said with a bright smile. "Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, this is Charlotte." They all waved at me with a smile. I noticed that Harry walked over to Roxy. Hmm. I wonder what for. Zayn walked over to me and whistled while looking at me from down to up. I bent my knee up to stomp on his foot but he backed up. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, a girl called out to me from the rave. She had dark purple hair and red lips.

"Hey!" she yelled. "You look like crap!" I clenched my teeth. The boys started looking worried.

"Your hair looks like a dog chewed on it and your outfit looks like someone vomited all over it," she said, giving a smirk.

"Are you kidding me?!" Zayn shouted. "She's freaking HOT! And way hotter than you!"

"Just because you bought your dress for half off does not mean you only wear half of it, ho," Louis said, while snapping his fingers in a Z-motion. After a few more comebacks from the boys, the girl finally backed off.

"Hey look!" Louis said while pointing to his jeans. "Matching pants!" He held out his hand for a high-five. I giggled and high-fived him. I was really starting to like these guys...

Help Me Fly (One Direction) {[FINISHED]}Where stories live. Discover now