Author's note: happy birthday, Rach!

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 Before I write anything else, this story is for one of my most best-est friends in the entire world: Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hope you enjoy this story! It'd one of my old old stories that's stuck with me for some time. And how else to write it out than write it for my amazing friend??!! (I honestly couldn't create a new story right off the bat, and I wanted to write this story out for a few years now... so why not?! Seriously though, I really hope you like this story, Rachel. I've put a lot of thought and time into this, and I promise you I TRIED to dial down the romance factor, and focused more on action, people taking action, and intense details.) Love you Rach!! Happy sweet 16! <3*

 Okay, now for the rest of my speech:

 Whoever manages to magically find my tiny corner of Wattpad: Hello! Thank you for being curious enough to read this or any of my original stories! It really means a lot, since I'm pretty shy about my stories.

 Please feel free to write comments or anything else to your heart's content for this story! I'd be more than happy to read/answer questions, or even feedback (so scary tho).

 Please enjoy Shadows into Light (hope you do)!!

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