Chapter 4 - The Arrival

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I woke up to steam surrounding me. I looked around and saw Levi kneeling down next to me, looking extremely worried. "What happened?" I asked hazily, rubbing me head. I looked around me. I was sitting on a giant titan corpse. I let out a shriek. When had that gotten there? What was I doing there? Questions rushed into my head. I looked down and saw my arms and legs steaming, but that wasn't the only thing weird about them. Half of them were missing, as if they were cut off. I cried out again. Levi told "It was the only thing I could do to stop you. You were going on a rampage."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You don't remember? You had turned into a titan, and started tearing up the trees. You kept screaming and yelling." Levi told me, as he picked me up, and started to carry me across the wreckage. I put my arms around his neck to help balance myself. I was still wondering what had happened. I started feeling dizzy and laid my head down on his shoulder. Levi turned his head, "Are you okay?" I weakly nodded. He continued to carry me through the forest until we arrived at the building. After receiving many weird looks from the surrounding people we arrived at my room. I hadn't even realized it, but my arms and legs had grown back. I was too tired to care though. Levi set me down on my bed unfazed by my arms and legs regeneration. He started to walk away when I grabbed his cloak. "Yeah?" He asked. I blushed. It was like my arm had a mind of it's own when it grabbed him. "Erm... could you... um... stay with me until I fall asleep?" He smiled down at me and grabbed a chair and sat down. "Sure." He said as I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I woke up it was dark out. Levi was in the chair beside me, asleep. I got up and shook Levi's shoulder saying, "Hey, Levi? Wake up." His eyes fluttered open as he looked at me. He looked around and focused on me again. "Tired?" I asked chuckling. "Do I need to carry you off to bed?" I laughed. He got up, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Get some more rest. I have something I need to do." Then he walked out of the room. I sat down, and looked out the window. I could still see steam coming from the forest. Thank goodness we're in the most secluded area in Wall Rose. Then everyone would know that I'm... whatever I am, I thought to myself. I noticed that I was hungry, so I got up to go to the kitchen. I walked down to the kitchen and saw a light on. I walked in and saw Hanji. She jumped up and started swarming me with questions. "So what do you remember? What was it like? Did feel any odd cravings? How did you feel? What about-" She was cut short by Erwin, who had walked in while she was ranting. "That's enough Hanji. Give the girl a break. She's been through a lot today. She's probably doing something anyway." I nodded my head and told them, "Yeah... I... um... just wanted some food." Erwin gave Hanji a look that said See-I'm-right-and-back-off. Hanji grumbled and sulked out of the room. I looked up at Erwin and thanked him profusely. "It's no problem." He replied, "She tends to get a bit, how should
I put it... crazy?" I laughed in agreement. I turned to put some food together so I could finally eat something. When I was done I turn to see Erwin gone and a rose in his place. I picked it up and thought to myself that that wasn't there before. I placed it down and began to eat the bread that I had put together.

When I was done I got up left the room. On my way out I decided to take the rose with me. I went back to my room and put the mysterious rose in a simple vase. I laid down on my bed and drowned in my thoughts of what going to happen to me. I slowly drifted into sleep.

I woke up to Levi shaking me. "Come on. we've got company." he told me. I jumped up frantically and called out, "Titans!?!"
"No. Worse. That Eren kid is here. But I need to ask you a favor. Stay hidden. Follow him around, but don't let him know it. He's dense, so he shouldn't find you out."
"Okay. You can count on me."
"Good. Now go get equipped. I want you to watch him high up, and down low."
"Got it." I told Levi as I went to go get ODM gear. I rushed into the storage room where all of the supplies were being held. I geared up, and went outside with the click of a few buttons, I was off. I felt like I was flying. The wind whipping my hair and face felt great. I found a nice tree and hid in it's branches.

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