"It's the trio."

"Alright then, we will continue this next time we talk, I do believe it is time for dinner. "

The doors suddenly swings open, Harry and I jump back in time but Ron was a little late.

"Ow!" He yells, hopping on one foot clutching his toe. I scowl.

Annabeth and Thalia glare at us coldly when they walk by us, Percy is twirling his pen around with his fingers while Nico looks a bit tired. When they leave I start to talk.

"Professor Dumbledore, I really wanted to show you something, the exchange students are very suspicious and we are think maybe that they.." I was cut of by the Headmaster. But before he could talk, I wanted to make my point and show him the list.

"Alright, I will talk to them, but I would like to tell you to stop.. well.. I guess.. researching, the exchange students. They have had a painful past, and Harry, I will just say this but no matter how dangerous you think your life is, theirs has been 10 times harder.

"Yes sir." We walk out and down, heading toward the great hall.

"How is their life harder than mine?" Harry asks and yes I KNOW that Dumbledore told us not to investigate in their lives any further but Harry's been a a great prophecy, and I bet none of them has. So I am going to ask, anyways its just 1 little 4 way question, thats it! I promise! I try to rack my brain for when they are going to sit with us. Yesterday dinner with Ravenclaw, I saw Annabeth liked it there, Breakfeast had been with the Slytherins, Thalia had shocked about 14 people,Lunch was Hufflepuff, Nico and Percy had been scowling and Thalia and Annabeth had looked bored. That means they had dinner with us today! Yes!

I look over and see them at our table talking with Neville and the Weasley twins.

"I just want to ask them one more question guys, thats it." Harry and Ron nods, but I think Ron was paying more attention to his toes.

"Hi guys, I just wanted to ask you guys one question.:

Thalia rolls her eyes and mutters something like "Just one?"

Annabeth elbows her and Percy says "shoot."

"Okay, so Harry is in a great prophecy, and Dumbledore said you guys had a 10 times harder life than him." I say while Ron seems to mutter "Yeah right." and I continue, "So if your great, how many prophecies have you been in?

"Really? Just one? I've been in 2 Great Prophecies and a LOT of minor ones! I can't even remember how many!

"1Great Prophecy and a lot of others." Annabeth says.

" A lot of others too." Thalia and Nico say at the same time. I lost the smirk on my face as it turns to shock, they've been a lot of prophecies? Buhh, buh, but…

"But how can you.. but there is.. how come you are in so many prophecies?"

Thalia says, "I told you she would ask more than one!" Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"We are very important where we come from, civilization wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us." Percy says, then they urn the'r backs on us and ignore us, saying their full.

But how?

Thalia's Point of View

Our reinforcements were coming today. We sensed something soon, and we knew it. Nico sensed something bad in the forbidden forest, well I mean extra bad. Something that cheated death, something cold, something extra dark and evil, with a twisted, dark, bitter soul. Anyways back to the point. Chiron was sending campers to come. We had the camp coming, the hunters coming and yes, some romans. This was going to be hard, but I doubt as hard as Kronos, or Gaea. I mean, Percy and Annabeth are out of Tartarus and they were still alive! We were still strong, the only thing was, we had to tell the wizards. Dumbledore had arranged for us to tell them…tonight. That means, before we had a chance to tell them, they were going to see almost a full campsite of demigods marching down the hill with swords and weapons and full battle armor marching toward us. I laughed at the thought. Nope sorry, we weren't really going to do that. We were sending in bits at a time. The counselors were going to come in, the rest were going underwater in the lake. Percy used up a lot of energy rearranging that so he was taking a nap. Well he was before, I'm just giving you a recap of what happened.

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