chapter 5

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Harry' s Point of View

Can't wait to hear about all my deaths in divination from professor, wait should I call her professor? Any ways, Trelawney. Note the sarcasm. I can just hear her "mystical" voice saying, you'll die from evil darknesses, or the black dog will come to haunt me, I mean seriously, Sirius is great! The best godfather there is, well he's m only godfather but still! Ron, Hermione and I trudge up the tower of stairs, literally. I open the door and walk in. Lavender and Parvati are there, so great, we came early.

"I told you we should've come later 'Mione!" I hear Ron accuse Hermione.

"Fine, fine, but the time said 4:05!"

"Look at the clock now, remember, Sprout let us out early because that Nick, or Nici guy kept killing the plants!"

"Please, sit down." I hear Trelawney say to us. We sit down.

Soon people are filing in. As everyone settles down, I hear laughing from outside the door.

"So you mean that the Stolls were trying to put ice down Katie's shirt but got swallowed by ve.." I hear Thalia say before looking to her surroundings. Nico was nodding while Percy and Annabeth were laughing really hard. Then the other 3 noticed the silence and stopped. Trelawney walks over to them, probably doing some death prediction.

"Deaths! Deaths to you 4! She says dramatically, trying to make everyone gasp. No one does, well exception of Lavender at Parvati.

"You shall die from drowning!" Trelawney says dramatically, pointing to Percy. I didn't except their reaction. They laughed.

"Percy? Die from drowning?" I like to see him try!" Thalia says gasping for air.

" Me? Drown? You've got to be kidding me!" Percy laughs with an amused smirk.

I was confused, anyone can die from drowning!

Trelawney, not liking the reaction spouts another "death". She points to Thalia, "You shall die from lightning!" Another round of laughs from the group.

"Thalia, lightning, her? No way!" Nico says bursting out. Annabeth is clutching her sides while Percy is gasping for air. Thalia looks really amused banging her hand on the closest table laughing hard.

Trelawney is getting frustrated. "You!" She points to Nico, "Will die from darkness!" Nico is rolling of the floor laughing.

"Me die from darkness, are you joking?"

Trelawney is real angry that she has a purple vein popping from her forehead. She points to Annabeth and turns to the class. "She will die from a strategy gone wrong." That gets the group mad.

"Thats such a big insult!" Thalia, Percy, and Nico say in unison.

"My strategies have never gone wrong" Annabeth say angrily.

"Lets go guys, she's nothing like Rachel. She's a fake." Thalia says.

"At least Rachel speaks the truth."

They leave, which gives me more to wonder. Who's Rachel? Why were the laughing? I look to Hermione and she shrugs. But I agree with them. Trelawney's a fake. Ron. Hermione, and I leave, chasing after the exchange students.

Percy's Point of View

"What an insult!" Annabeth sputters angrily. I nod, what a rude teacher! Luckily we have study hall next so we just head to our room.

As we sit on the couch we have a discussion.

"I think Hermione is clear sighted, what do you guys think?"

"Yeah she seems more.. sharper.. than the others."

We need to be more careful around her."

I nod in agreement.

Hogwarts just got a lot more harder.

Hermione's Point of View

I head to muggle studies and see that the exchange students are already there, whispering about…well actually, I don't know. I choose a desk near them. They're speaking that language again! I must find out that language! MUST, MUST, MUST! All I catch is Chiron and that's it. Mr. Zaps walks in and sit's down. Harry and Ron quickly stumble in I glare at them, 3.3452 minutes late!

"Sorry were a minute late," Harry says trying a small oops smile. I was just about to say they were actually 3.3452 minutes late until Annabeth spoke up.

"You were actually 3.345298574562 minutes late, exactly."

"How do you know that?" I sputtered, "I only calculated 3.3452 minutes!"

"There's a reason we call her Wise Girl." Percy says and then Muggle Studies begins.

"This unit, we will learn about greek myths," Mr. Zaps says being interrupted my little fits of laughter, and I think you know who they were coming from. I mean the nerve of the exchange students, interrupting the professor! What was unusual though is that Mr. Zaps winked at them, like they were sharing a joke! A/N hope you remembered all the teachers know who they are!

"Here is a pretest on how much you know about the greek religion." I nod, this will be a breeze.


1. Name all 12 major gods.

This was easy, I wrote down Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Demeter, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, and Dionysus.

2. What are children of the gods called?

Easy, demigods or half-bloods.

3. Name at least 3 greek monsters, more for extra credit.

Hmmm, extra credit huh? Time to show Annabeth's whose boss!

Hydra, Nemean Lion, Empousa, Minotaur, Manticore, and Sphynx Beat that Annabeth!

I look up and see the exchange students done, I'm only on the 3rd question! How did they finish so fast!

1 minor god, more for extra credit.

Must get extra credit! I write down Hypnos, Hecate, and Iris

5. Name the big three.

What, what is the big three? Darn it! Don't know this. What was it something like, I don't know, Zeus, Poseidon and what? Hermes? Hera? It started with and H! I put down Hermes.

I turn in my test. I'm the 5th person done, how did they finish so fast I think angrily.

I better get a good grade!


so so sorry I havent updated in so long I've just been really busy lately cause school started again and we got homework straight away.

OMG I cant beleive how many reads I have thank you so much. Here you all get an internet cookie you wonderful people

I still need a nickname for all of you give me any suggestions you guys have please.


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