chapter 3

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hey sorry I haven't been updated but holidays recently started and my friend dragged me into doing a holiday program with her and yesterday my family had a day together for Anzac day

so anyway enjoy this chapter.

This is Percy's, Annabeth's, Thalia's and Nico's Schedule.

1. Transfiguration-McGonagall ....7:30-9:00

2. Magical Creatures-Hagrid.....9:05-10:00

3. charms-Flitwick....10:05-11:30

4. Lunch....11:35-12:00

5. Potions-Snape...12:05-1:30

6. history of magic-Binns.....1.35-2:30

7. Defense Against the Dark Arts-Walski (oc) 2:35-3:45

8. herbolagy-Sprout....3:50-4:00

9. divination-Trelawney...4:05-5:00

10. Study Hall...5:05-6:00

11. Dinner....6:05-7:00

12. Muggles Studies-Zappia (oc)...7:05-8:00

13. Astronomy-Firenze....8:05-9:00

14. Free/Bed....9:05-10:00

Nico's Point of View

I was actually surprised that our room had dummies for us to train, thank Hades though, or else I would have to practice with skeletal warriors. We decided to practice our spells. We open our books and thanks Hades they were in greek. Even though the note said so, I was still pretty thankful.

We went to bed and I thought about the day. Draco had been my buddy when he was at camp. He always teased people but in a nice sort of way. Oh that son of Hermes.

I fall into dreamless (yay!) sleep.

Sorry Nico's POV is short, I am not very good at Nico's POV! PM me if you have ideas for Nico

-Time Skip-

Percy's Point of View


I groan. "It's only like 2 am guys!"

Thalia starts shaking me. "Percy, it's 7 am, It's breakfast time!"

"What!" I scream! I quickly put on a shirt and race down to the main hall. I hear Thalia racing down. "Darn you, Percy! Wait for me!" She races down after me and goes to the great hall. I look up to see Dumbledore pointing to the Hufflepuff table. I nod and sit down. After a few minutes I pull out a little jar of greek fire I used yesterday for offering. Thalia had gone back up to wake Annabeth and Nico. "Poseidon." I whisper in a very, very quiet tone and throw some scrambled eggs in.

"You burn food!" I hear someone behind me say. It was that Rob or Robert guy, you know the red haired guy. "Religion. Rob, Religion." Is all I say. I hear him say something about Ron but thats it. I start eating when a bunch of girls start sitting next to me giggling and flirting with me. I put on a I'm really uncomfortable face but they don't pay attention to it. "Hi, Handsome." One girl says to me giggling and holding on my are. "Ooooh, so strong and muscular." She says flirtatiously.

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