Throughout the dozens of movies they all watched, Hoseok was the only one to truly get scared. He jumped and yelped at almost every jumpscare, regardless if he was expecting it or not. Jimin pretended to be scared just so that Yoongi would cuddle him closer, which seemed to work. Taehyung couldn't help but notice the small frown that played on Hoseok's lips whenever Yoongi pulled Jimin closer.

About halfway through their marathon, Namjoon turned and sent Taehyung a wink. The younger boy smirked and nodded his head slightly. singaling that their plan was in motion.

"Shit. I think I left my phone charger in the car. Be right back guys." Jin pouted slightly but remained fixated on the movie. Taehyung felt relieved that Namjoon was a decent actor and that the other boys really didn't care.

About an hour later, Namjoon came back into the house with a small smile. Taehyung looked up to him and they locked eyes. Namjoon nodded, signaling that he was done. Almost as if on cue, the movie the boys were currently watching ended with a couple kissing goodbye.

"Well," Taehyung spoke up as Namjoon turned on the lights, causing the other boys to groan. "Me and Jungkook are gonna go to the beach for a little bit." He announced, sending a wink towards Namjoon. The other boys just shrugged and went back to watching another movie.

Taehyung led Jungkook out of the house, heart pounding each step they took towards the beach. He entwined their fingers, causing Jungkook to smile softly at him.

"Close your eyes." Taehyung commanded making Jungkook giggle. Jungkook did what he was told and covered his eyes with his hands. Taehyung held back a coo and placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders to guide him.

After a couple of minutes, they finally reached the sandy beach. Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw the scene Namjoon had made. He smiled to himself and admired the beauty of Namjoon's work.

"Okay, you can uncover your eyes now." Taehyung bit his lip nervously as Jungkook opened his eyes. Jungkook's mouth dropped open at the scene, causing Taehyung's heart to skip a beat.

There on the soft sand was a small campfire rounded by a dozen metal poles wrapped with white christmas lights. Taehyung smiled widely as Jungkook gasped. "You did this?" He asked, his voice small and soft.

"Well, Joon did. I paid him to during the movie." Taehyung chuckled as Jungkook still stared at him in awe. "It's beautiful." Taehyung watched as Jungkook admired the scene, his eyes glowing in the firelight.

Taehyung sat down next to the campfire and patted the spot of sand next to him, causing Jungkook to sit down almost immediately. The younger boys face held a large smile, one that Taehyung couldn't resist.

Taehyung admired how Jungkook's soft skin seemed to glow in the light, seraphic life radiating off of him. His small lips formed into a smile would be Taehyung's new favorite thing, other than his laugh. He decided it was time to pop the question, since the moment seemed perfect.

Taehyung shuffled slightly closer to the younger boy. Their eyes still remained locked, neither of them wanting to look away for even a second. "I didn't really get to do this yet so.." Taehyung's voice trailed into a whisper, nervousness starting to overflow his body. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

The question hung in the air. There was complete and utter silence aside from their quiet breathing and the calm waves of water rolling in. "Of course." Jungkook finally answered, his smile growing even wider. Taehyung felt his heart flutter as he pecked Jungkook's lips.

He turned to the fire, still grinning to himself because of the beautiful boy beside him was finally his. He never thought even in a million years Jungkook and him would ever actually be together, but godamn he wasn't complaining.  

"Truth or dare."

Taehyung felt bad for using a kids game as a way to talk to Jungkook, but he really didn't know how else to do it. He was nervous to just ask him these kinds of questions as if they were no big deal.

"Again?" Jungkook laughed. "It's the last time, I promise." Taehyung held his hand up towards Jungkook, showing he had his fingers crossed.


"How long have you liked me?" Taehyung asked, watching as Jungkook bit his bottom lip. "Almost a year." Taehyung grinned at the younger boy, realizing how naïve he was.

"Not that long. I've liked you for like three years now." Taehyung could feel Jungkook's eyes stare at him, eyes bulging out. "What?"

"Truth." Taehyung changed the topic suddenly, embarrassed about what he had just confessed.

"What made you finally kiss me?" Jungkook asked, his voice soft and sweet. Taehyung wanted to tell Jungkook everything that happened leading up to that moment, but he just couldn't. He would tell the boy one day, but he didn't want to hurt Jungkook by letting him know that he had doubts about them being together.

"Yoongi and me talked." He finally answered, trying to be as vague as possible. "Let's watch the stars." He changed the subject as he laid down, Jungkook's head resting on his chest. Taehyung's arms wrapped around the boy protectively, but still filled Jungkook with love and warmth.

Taehyung thought for a moment about everything. Jungkook, his friends, his family, everything. Everything seemed to be falling into place.

"Kookie?" Taehyung whispered after a few moments of silence. He was scared to say the words he so desperately wanted to. Those words could shatter his happiness with one flick of the tongue.

Jungkook hummed in response. Taehyung felt Jungkook's eyes stare up at him lovingly. He took a quiet deep breath and whispered so quietly he doubted Jungkook could even hear him.

"I dare you to stay with me forever."

Taehyung stared at the stars. He knew Jungkook wasn't going to answer out loud. He already had his answer. And that made his heart flutter and his cheeks flare from how incredibly happy he was. He wanted to sob and cry like a baby about how fucking much he needed this moment.

He'd spent days and months crying and hurting himself over just the thought of losing Jungkook forever. Never being able to speak or see him ever again and it killed him. He didn't want to live a life without Jungkook; he couldn't.

And so, as Taehyung stared up at the stars, Jungkook still laying on his chest, he felt something. He felt happy. He felt reassured. He felt complete. He felt something new.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook's eyelids fluttered closed. He knew the boy was falling asleep. He knew the boy loved him. In that moment, Taehyung knew a lot of things.

But, for the first time in Taehyung's life, he knew everything was going to be okay.


A/N: oh my god that's the end. that's actually the end of Truth & Dare. I'm actually shocked.

I'm sorry this update wasn't up sooner, my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer so I needed a bit of a break from everything for a while. i'm back now, and i'm okay. :)

but wow! I never thought in a milliooon years I would get this far with my lil crappy first book. fun fact; dare was the first 'book' I actually finished writing ever! like wow, no wonder it sucks.

kidding, kidding. but seriously. thank you all so so so much to everyone who has voted and commented and read and supported me through everything. you all make me so incredibly happy and without you guys I wouldn't be nearly as passionate as I am about writing.

now, I know this is supposed to be the last chapter but since you guys are freakin amazing and Dare is about to his 300k i'm gonna write a little bonus chapter :)

it's gonna be taekook's proposal oOoOOo

it should be up most likely NEXT weekend :) again as always thank you so so so much for reading and make sure if you enjoyed to leave a comment and vote! love you guys so much and I hope your day was amazing. stay beautiful. <3

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