"Get away from me you fucking traitor!" Makoto shouts, causing Kyouko's eyes to widen in shock and confusion.

What is she going on about?! I'm just trying to help her!

"For months, you've left me alone with those monsters! You let them torture me, beat me, experiment on me, and take away my sanity!" She shouts. That's when she lost it. She launches herself towards Kyouko, grabbing her shoulders and kneeing her in the gut hard enough to send her flying a couple of feet away.

Kyouko lands on her side, her arm making impact with the ground first, causing pain to shoot through my arm. Makoto walks towards her and picks her up by her shirt. "You and every single one of them are the same. Only worrying about themselves before others. I thought you were different!" She snarls as she slams the smaller girl against the tree. "You're supposed to be my sister! My family! We were supposed to look after one another!"

Kyouko yelps in pain as her back slams against the large tree. But what hurts her more are the words Makoto is saying.

"You let me rot in their fucking hands. You let them hurt me! You never even came to look for me!" Makoto continues angrily and her grip loosens, allowing Kyouko to fall to the ground.

Kyouko stares up at her sister, shaking as everything is hitting her all at once.

Makoto, however, isn't done. She grabs her by the throat and lifts her up until she was dangling inches from the floor. Kyouko tries to gasp for air and grip tightly on her sister's arm, trying to make her let go. She can feel her sister's eyes burn into her.

"Why did you let them hurt me?! Why didn't you come look for me?! Wh-Why did leave me for them? ....I hate you so much..." She shouts angrily, her voice beginning to crack and grow quiet at the end.

Kyouko couldn't understand what Makoto is saying.

Until everything clicked.

The look of guilt Hanji gave her when she was at the meeting, the way Annie acted, the suspicious behavior of the generals whenever she asked them were Makoto was, and how she hasn't even seen Makoto in months... And now everything Makoto was shouting out...

Kyouko stares at her in disbelief, feeling a wave of emotions hit her like a tsunami. She begins to tear up as everything began to come together. Only now did she get a good look at her sister's face. Makoto's face is covered with bruises and dried cuts along with her neck. She looks malnourished and dirty. Kyouko begins to sob when she begins to think about everything her sister has went through and that she has done nothing to help her.

Kyouko knew well that if their positions were switched, Makoto would have torn the entire place upside down just to find her. But Kyouko? She didn't even bother to look, just trusting the general's words that her sister was in good hands.

Kyouko can feel her lungs strain due toe the lack of oxygen. She looks down at Makoto with tears streaming down her cheeks.  "I-I'm so sorry..." She says with whatever remaining breath she has in her. Makoto stares at her emotionless before releasing her grip, dropping her to the floor again. Kyouko coughs and inhales deeply, trying to get as much as possible but it's difficult when she's also crying.

"I-I didn't know... I-I'm so sorry Makoto! I-I should have looked for you! I-I let this happen to you!" Kyouko cries loudly as she curls into a ball. Makoto looks down at him, not making any movements towards her or saying anything. "I-I let them do this to you... I-I could have done something... I-I never wanted this to happen!!" She sobs.

Her entire body shakes as she cries. Kyouko feels fear, the fear of losing her only family, her best friend, her sister, and her hero.  She's always depended on Makoto throughout her life and she admired her like an idol. She couldn't bare the thought of losing her.

Kyouko desperately clings onto her leg, scared that Makoto would leave at any moment and never come back. "Pl-Please don't leave me alone!! I need you Makoto!!" She begs.

It began to feel like when they were just kids. That one time when Makoto threatened to leave her because she was being picky about the food she was giving her. Makoto said she was being ungrateful after all the work she's done to get food on the table for them to eat. Kyouko was only 9 back then but she remembers crying like a toddler and clinging onto Makoto as if her life depended on it.

Makoto's leg shifts under her grip, causing Kyouko to panic and tighten her grip. She couldn't lose her, not after everything that had happen. Makoto pries her off her leg despite being malnourished, she was still stronger. Kyouko begins to flail like a stubborn child, trying to grab onto her again only because she was scared that she'll run off.

"Pl-Please don't leave me...I-I need you with me Makoto. You're my family.. I'm sorry I let them do this to you again. Please just don't leave." She cries and looks up at girl with white hair.

Her expression hasn't changed as she stares down at her sister. The cloak around her has shifted to the point where Kyouko could see the bandages and scars all over her sister's arms and legs. This only made her cry harder and cause her heart strings to tug painfully seeing her sister like this.

"Please Makoto... I can't lose you.." She whimpers, her voice broken and desperate.

Just as Makoto was about to speak, she's interrupted by someone slow clapping and chuckling. Makoto growls and looks up to see a man walking out from the shadows, causing her eyes to glow brighter in anger.

"Fucking priest," Makoto growls.

"What a heart-wrenching scene. Sisters finally reuniting but it doesn't go the everyone wanted." He says with a pout. Before Kyouko or Makoto can do anything, a group of men comes out of nowhere and tackles us. They pin Kyouko down to the ground and ties her wrists and ankles together with rope. They did the same with Makoto but she was too weak to fight back. The men pull her up onto her feet and drag her towards the priest.

"No stop! Please leave her alone!" Kyouko cries out and struggles against the rope.

They drop Makoto to her knees in front of the priest. "We've had our ups and downs. But playtime's over. Now with no generals around and it's just us." The priest says as he pulls something out from his jacket. Kyouko can feel her blood run cold when he pulls out a revolver and put in a bullet.

He looks at Makoto and presses the revolver against her head.

"Your time is up, demon."

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