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"mike?" what the hell is he doing here?

"let me in." he asked sharply.

"why?" i snapped back.

"just let me in!"

"yeah, no." i quickly tried to close the door but he put his foot in between the gap leaving the door ajar.

i could she the frustration in his face, "please?" he tried taking a nicer approach.

i thought for a second. could this benefit me? not really. "no wheeler!" i protested.

he turned around, "will, help me," he said, annoyed.

"will?" i questioned. i opened the door a little more to see a very tired will. like the life had been sucked right out of him.

i liked will. though he looked exhausted, hopefully he could keep mike calm.

"fine come in." i breathed out. before i could open the door wider mike pushed his way in.

"nice place?" he said more as a question than a statement.

"not really. anyways what's up?" i sat down on the edge of the couch.

"will wanted to say something but didn't want to come alone." michael softly spoke, "come on will, speak."

"um," will started, "um."

i looked at the clock, "you've already wasted 20 seconds of my life, get on with it before my sister comes home and kicks you out!"

"you have a sis-"

"i can't do this!" the brown haired boy cut him off. before mike could say anything will was already running to his bike about to go home.

"will!" mike called but he was already gone. who knew a small boy like him could run so fast.

"so do you want explain or-"

"i gotta go see what's up, bye oliveaux," mike yelled and ran off.

"bye wheeler." i said even though i knew he couldn't hear me. i bet this was prank-thing. i don't know what it's called but sure it was that.

i fell onto the couch. "why did i agree to this?" i mumbled to myself.

nothing makes sense anymore. but when did it ever.

———————— monday

"what happened to your hand!" lucas exclaimed.

think quick (y/n)! "i, uh, fell on it," i lied.


"be careful el! please don't break my fucking hand!" i begged.

el rolled her eyes, "don't worry! i'm better than i was in the lab. i've pulled a train towards myself!"

"you pulled, not levitated!" i yelled.

"stop yelling! you don't have to if you don't want to." she said.

"no let's do it."

i sat on my knees and thought if a toolbox. why a toolbox? well, eleven wanted to know the heaviest thing a could teleport, i didn't know so she thought of this. she showed me one in mike's garage. she also wanted to levitate it. above my hand. i don't know why i agreed. oh yeah, so she'll trust me. something as heavy as this is very hard to teleport but i made it happen. before i knew it the said toolbox was in my hand.

"ew" el mumbled.

"what?" i snapped back. i felt a drip on my shoulder. i knew exactly what she was talking about. the blood from my ears. she's not used to that. i bleed normally from my nose but if i work hard enough, from my ears, "oh. never mind."

"do you want me to start?" eleven asked me.

"yes please, this is very heavy." i pleaded. my weak arms couldn't carry the big box of tools.

el put her hand in front of her. her signature. before i knew it the weight from the box was now gone. el really was levitating it!

"great job el!" i praised her.

"she's not a dog." an unknown voice said. along with the voice came the weight from the box.

"fuck!" i yelled. that bitch distracted el and made her drop it on me.

"nancy?" el gasped. nancy who?

"jane?" she asked back, "who is that?" she failed to whisper.

"um, it's, uh," i shook my head at her telling her not to tell nancy about me, "a friend of ours."

she got closer to her, "you can't go around telling people about, you know," she trailed off.

"i know but, i, uh, trust her."

nancy glanced at me, "does mike know?"

"no!" el yelled, "i mean, no, he doesn't. don't tell him either."

nancy was quiet for a while. obviously thinking. "fine, i won't. but when mike finds out i didn't know!" she looked at me, "what's your name?"

"(y/n)." i winced in pain, "i'm gonna go home."

"what about your hand? sorry by the way." nancy frowned.

"i've been through worst."

flashback end

"that doesn't look like you fell on it," max said weary.

i hid my hand behind my back, "i did okay!"

she put her hands up in defense, "okay then."

the 4th period bell rung indicating it was time for 4th period. and that we were late. when i turned around to walk to class a shoulder ran into mine, "what the hell?" i cried out.

"sorry," summer said obviously lying. she continued her way to class.

"what a bitch" i said.

"i know right!" el exclaimed.

"she acts like she owns this school. like bitch your mom works the front desk," max pointed out and rolled her eyes. el and i laughed.

dustin stayed silent.

"i don't know what you see in her," el said but quickly covered her mouth. dustin nudged her, "oops," she whispered.

the rest of the walk to class was quiet. and tense. when i sat down max said quiet enough so he couldn't hear, "someone's jealous." she chuckled.

"i am not!" i whisper yelled.

"it looks like it, just saying."

"well i'm not jealous max."

she patted my shoulder, "don't worry he'll find out she's a bitch sooner or later." she shrugged and faced the teacher.

"i hope it's sooner," i mumbled to myself.

imma start asking y'all questions so we can feel more connected.
who are your top 3 artists?
mine at the moment are: rex orange county, mac demarco, and panic! at the disco. (i'm seeing a panic! concert in july i'm so hyped!!!)
anyways i fucking love you,
aaliyah 💞
[word count: 979]

010 | dustin henderson x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora